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I took a job at JP Morgan for the prestige. Quitting to travel changed the way I view success.

Ashley Tan says taking a career break is often seen as a waste of time in Singapore.
  • Ashley Tan got a job at JP Morgan in Singapore after graduating from university.
  • Tan felt her role was unfulfilling and a waste of her life, so she quit to travel.
  • Traveling has shifted Tan's mindset, inspiring her to prioritize happiness over a traditional job.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Ashley Tan, 29, who quit her job at JP Morgan Singapore to travel. It's been edited for length and clarity.

I've always been a rule follower. After graduating from university, I went straight to work and took a role at JP Morgan for the company name. I was so used to following the rules and societal standards that I truly believed climbing the corporate ladder equated to success. However, I was unfulfilled.

In March, I quit my job to travel. I've been exposed to so many new perspectives that I never really got coming from an Asian society. It has given me a huge mindset shift.

I joined JP Morgan because of it's prestige

I was hired by JP Morgan in December 2022 as an events and marketing analyst. It wasn't really a job I wanted, but because my parents and I think Singapore puts finance companies on a pedestal, I took it.

It wasn't all bad, though. I liked that I was doing something completely different than my previous jobs, most of which were writing-focused. This was front-facing, helping with client events and conferences, which was great for me as a people person.

However, I didn't feel like the company had much tolerance for my out-of-the-box ideas. My team and I were always pitching new ways to make events more exciting for clients, but we were shut down by higher-ups who ruled in favor of tradition and simplicity.

I get it because it's a bank, but I found it frustrating to have to stick to the old ways of doing things and I didn't feel fulfilled because I knew I didn't want to pursue marketing long-term. I felt like I was wasting my life.

I quit to travel because I felt like it was now or never

I'd been wanting to take time off work to travel for several years, but I was scared because Singapore is a competitive society. Taking a career break is generally looked down upon or seen as a waste of time. Even so, I'd been putting aside a small portion of my income at JP Morgan for travel in case I could make it happen.

About a year into my time at JP Morgan, I reached out to my cousin, who had previously taken a year off of work to travel. Hearing her experience made me feel like I could do it. I knew I'd rather be out exploring and meeting new people than stuck at a job I didn't like for the sake of the company name.

I felt like it was now or never because I was approaching my 30s and knew I'd only gain more responsibilities as I aged. It was scary, but I officially quit JP Morgan in March because I knew I'd regret it if I didn't take the risk. I've been traveling for several months now, using my savings to fund it.

My parents are quite traditional and conservative, so they were shocked when I told them I was unemployed and planning to travel.

Leaving Singapore has given me a huge mindset shift

Life has been great since I quit. I went to Bali for two weeks to dive and surf, then spent a month traveling through Europe, visiting friends and family, and meeting new people along the way.

However, after meeting travelers who are paving their own ways and prioritizing happiness, I realize it's up to me to make the life I want a reality. It's been an enlightening change.

I'm planning to try DJing, which I've wanted to do for the longest time, but I strayed away from it because it's not seen as a sustainable job in my family's eyes. If I fail, at least I tried; if I succeed, it'll be a wonderful surprise.

I'm still deciding what's next for me

I've been applying to jobs while abroad, but I'm being very selective. I used to think any job was good as long as I was getting paid. You go in, do your work, and go home. Now I know I need to work for a company with bosses who are willing to listen, consider feedback, and grow.

If I don't manage to find something in Singapore, I'm thinking of moving to Australia to do a working holiday visa or even starting my own business. I'll find some time for DJing as well.

Concerned comments from friends and family have made me question my decision, and I don't know what's next for me, but I know I'm in the right place. Luckily, my experiences traveling outweigh being at an unfulfilling job.

If you've quit a high-paying job to take a career break and would like to tell your story, please email Tess Martinelli at tmartinelli@businessinsider.com.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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