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Model caught illegally driving £80k Porsche after Olympian boyfriend fell ill at wheel


A MODEL was caught illegally driving her Olympian boyfriend’s £80,000 Porsche on the motorway – but has escaped a ban.

Serena Stregapede, 37, claimed she had to swap seats with Anthony Fowler, 33, suddenly fell ill as they drove on the M56 to Birmingham.

Serena Stregapede was caught illegally driving her boyfriend’s Porsche[/caption]
Anthony Fowler had fallen ill behind the wheel when they switched seats[/caption]

Police found the mum-of-three was not insured to drive the Taycan Sport Turismo.

Stregapede faced disqualification as she already had six points on her licence for using a phone while driving.

But she was spared a driving ban after the model explained she needed to take her children to multiple hospital appointments.

Her two-year-old daughter has bone cancer, while her autistic son, three, also requires regular trips to hospital.

Chester Magistrates’ Court was told Stregapede and former Olympic boxer Fowler were driving to a conference when they had to swap places on the hard shoulder.

Police were carrying out routine checks on passing cars when they noticed the former beauty queen was not insured to drive the Porsche.

Olivia Randell, prosecuting said: ”She was not able to provide any further details as to why she was not insured and the officer reported her for driving without insurance.

“A driving licence check showed she already had six points.”

But Gary Lawrenson, defending, told the court the incident was a “genuine mistake”.

He explained that Commonwealth Games gold medallist Fowler was fasting at the time – causing him to become unwell.

The lawyer added: “Frankly she was frightened. I do not know if you have ever pulled over on the hard shoulder, it is a frightening experience. She drove with the intention of driving to the next services.

“She was under the impression that she was insured. It was a case of each thought that the other had sorted out the insurance when neither had. She was not driving willy nilly without the right documentation.

“It was just an extraordinary set of circumstances that led to her driving for that short length of time.”

In her own evidence, Stregapade said she had no family who can help look after the children for her.

She also claimed she would lose her job interviewing celebs as social media manager for Fowler’s health and wellbeing company if she was banned from driving.

The model added: “I am the face of the company and whilst there are a lot of other faces there I am the one who interviews.

“I have to be sat next to them and we get photos. If I could not go to these places, I would more than likely lose my job.”

Stregapade was fined £724, and ordered to pay £910 in costs and a victim surcharge.

JP Charles Platt said he was prepared to spare the mum was a disqualification due to her “exceptional hardship”.

But he warned Stregapade she would not be able to use the same excuse again if she landed herself back in court.

The JP added: “You have to drive on eggshells. You need that firmly in your mind. You will be in a sticky situation if you get more points.”

The model was spared a driving ban[/caption]
She told the court she needed to drive as both her children require hospital treatment[/caption]
Fowler had been driving the pair to a conference when he fell ill[/caption]
Police clocked Stregapade was not insured to drive the Porsche[/caption]
The model was fined £724, and ordered to pay £910 in costs and a victim surcharge[/caption]

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