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Start saving on your energy bills and install solar panels with Egg


AS the price of gas and electricity increases, powering your home with solar energy could be one way of saving money in the long term.

At the beginning of October, the energy price cap increased.

Invest in solar panels to help lower your energy bills

Find out more about Egg Energy

This meant that many households across the UK were now being charged more for their gas and electricity usage.

There are many ways you can immediately save on the price of gas and electricity, such as switching energy providers or cutting down your usage during on-peak times.

But one longer-term solution is to switch to a cheaper and green source of power– like solar energy.

Egg Energy is a clean energy company that can provide this service, and its zero-interest financing arrangement makes it affordable too.

What is solar energy?

Solar energy uses sunlight to create power. It’s one of several renewable forms of energy – like wind or hydropower energy.

To create solar energy, homes and businesses generally need to install solar panels to capture sunlight and use it to create power.

This power doesn’t stay on the panels, it is then passed and kept on a battery.

For homes, this can be used to heat your water or keep the lights on.

For businesses, it could be used for powering machinery to your Wi-Fi router.

Since solar panels need sunlight to produce energy, it doesn’t work at nighttime.

On sunny days it can retain the most energy and during dreary spells, it produces some power.

Get a quote for your home or business with Egg Energy

How to make solar panels affordable for your home?

Using Egg Energy’s interest-free financing arrangement is a great way to make the cost of an otherwise expensive technology affordable.

At Egg Energy, the cost of installing solar panels starts at £4,999 – with the prices progressively getting more expensive for larger properties.

But at Egg Energy, you can pay back the cost of your solar panels between one and five years.

Choosing a longer term will lessen your monthly repayments but extend the arrangement.

Customers can also take comfort knowing the zero-interest financing arrangement is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) – the same watchdog which keeps your bank or building society in order.

Mike Hallam, CEO of Egg Energy says: ‘The main barrier to people being able to install green home technology is undoubtedly cost.

“We want to democratise cleaner energy and we think the best way to do that is to make it accessible for everyone.

“Our customers have been taking advantage of our financing options on electric vehicle chargers since July 2022 and we can’t wait to add solar panels to the list and help more people in the UK go green in 2024.”

Egg Energy is a trusted brand too, with an excellent rating on Trustpilot.

One reviewer complimented the service it offered, adding that the team were clearly knowledgeable.

The reviewer said, “Great experience from the beginning and I strongly recommend their services”.

(AD) Look after the planet and your purse with Egg

Clean energy company egg has introduced the market's most competitive zero interest finance offer on solar panels and battery storage.

Making it easier and more affordable for thousands of UK homeowners to go green.

Egg’s latest offer will give homeowners the option to finance* their solar panels at 0% APR, allowing customers to pay back in affordable monthly payments for up to five years** with repayments starting at just £84*** per month.

The five-year, 0% APR financing offer is running for a limited time only with the deal ending 31 December 2024.

*Finance is only available to UK residents aged 18 or over, subject to status. Terms apply.
**5-year 0% APR finance for a limited time until 30th November 2024

Are solar panels worth it?

Switching to solar energy comes with two main benefits. The first is that it’s a sustainable form of power which doesn’t create any harmful gases.

Fossil fuels, which use oil, gas, and coal to create energy, are still the main source of power for the UK.

However, the government is aiming to reduce its dependence on these energy sources.

That’s because when it’s used to create energy it releases harmful gases into the atmosphere, and solar energy is an alternative to reduce your carbon footprint.

The second major benefit is that it can save you money.

Energy from sunlight is free, which means the cost of installing your solar panels will be the greatest financial cost.

But, once it’s paid off, then the savings you can make means the technology will eventually pay for itself.

Get a quote for your home or business with Egg Energy

Phoenix Renewables Ltd, trading as Egg and The Phoenix Works, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Reference 965996). Registered address: Griffin House, 161 Hammersmith Road, Hammersmith, W6 8BS. Company number: 07477370.

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