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Hendrikse brothers start for South Africa against Wales


Jaden and Jordan Hendrikse –- the 36th set of Springbok brothers -– have been paired at halfback for the season’s final Test against a Wales team that has suffered 11 consecutive Test defeats.

Jaden (scrum-half) and Jordan (fly-half) Hendrikse are the first set of brothers to appear together since Dan and Robert du Preez featured against Wales in Washington DC at the start of the 2018 season.

The last time a set of brothers were included in the starting team was in the World Cup pool match against Scotland in 2015, when front-rowers Jannie and Bismarck du Plessis ran out in tandem in Newcastle.

The Hendrikses' inclusion are the only changes in the backline, while there are five changes in the starting pack: Johan Grobbelaar starts at hooker while Thomas du Toit returns at tighthead prop, with Ox Nche retaining his place at loosehead.

The team boasting 17 Rugby World cup winners also features a new lock combination of the fit-again Jean Kleyn and Franco Mostert, while the only change in the loose trio is at flanker, where Elrigh Louw replaces Pieter-Steph du Toit (shoulder) and will start alongside captain Siya Kolisi and No 8 Jasper Wiese.

Flanker Cameron Hanekom is set to become the 12th Springbok to make his Test debut this season after being named on the replacements’ bench. Should he take the field, he will become the 52nd player to feature for the team this season.

"This is our last match of the season, and we are determined to finish the year on a positive note," said Erasmus, who has overseen victories over Scotland (32-15) and England (29-20).

"We selected a squad that shows a good mix of experience and youth, which is crucial as we look to maintain some consistency in selection, while at the same time giving guys like Jordan and Cameron, who have been exceptional at training on tour, a chance to show us what they can do," said Erasmus.

"Cameron also offers us a few options at loose forward as he can play No 6, No 7 and No 8, and that will be valuable with two locks on the bench."
'Nothing to lose'
Erasmus opted for six forwards and two backs on the bench, with the same replacement front row of Malcolm Marx (hooker), Gerhard Steenekamp, and Vincent Koch (both props), while Eben Etzebeth and RG Snyman, who started in the second row in the victory over England, are rotated to the bench.

The two backline players among the replacements are the double World Cup-winning duo of Cobus Reinach (scrum-half) and Handre Pollard (fly-half).

Erasmus said he expected a tough challenge from Wales despite the host nation's recent woeful form.

"Wales are a proud nation with a world-renowned coach in Warren Gatland and they'll do everything to finish their campaign on a high note," said Erasmus.

"We've experienced first-hand how a run of defeats can galvanise a team and the fact that they'll be playing at home with a passionate crowd behind them will inspire them even more – just as our supporters inspire us when we play at home.

"Obviously we’d love to finish the tour unbeaten but we are well aware of the fact that we’ve have a few close results against them over the years at the Principality Stadium.

"We'll show Wales the same respect we showed England and Scotland, and we know we have to be at our best to come out with the result we want.

"They are a team with everything to gain and nothing to lose, so it would be careless of us to think that we just need to pitch up and the result will go in our favour."

Team (15-1)

Aphelele Fassi; Cheslin Kolbe, Jesse Kriel, Damian de Allende, Kurt-Lee Arendse; Jordan Hendrikse, Jaden Hendrikse; Jasper Wiese, Elrigh Louw, Siya Kolisi (capt); Franco Mostert, Jean Kleyn; Thomas du Toit, Johan Grobbelaar, Ox Nche

Replacements: Malcolm Marx, Gerhard Steenekamp, Vincent Koch, Eben Etzebeth, RG Snyman, Cameron Hanekom, Cobus Reinach, Handre Pollard

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