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Harrowing moment stepdad repeatedly begs ‘come on Charlie’ in 999 call after he ‘shook baby to death in abuse campaign’


THIS is the harrowing moment a stepdad begged “come on Charlie” in a 999 call after shaking a baby to death, a court heard.

Charlie Roberts was allegedly attacked with such “devastating” force that his brain moved in his skull – causing “irreparable damage”.

Charlie Roberts was allegedly shaken to death by his stepdad[/caption]
Mum Paula Roberts is accused of neglecting her son[/caption]

The one-year-old was in the sole care of stepdad Christopher Stockton at the time of the horror, Teesside Crown Court heard.

But in the seven months leading to his death, little Charlie was allegedly subjected to a campaign of abuse at the hands of Stockton and his mum Paula Roberts.

In audio footage released by prosecutors today, Stockton was heard begging the baby to wake up in a haunting 999 call.

The stepdad tells the operator Charlie is “barely” breathing and is “really floppy”.

He then pleads “come on” three times to the injured baby, before adding one final time: “Ok come on, Charlie”.

Jurors heard Stockton was so “incredibly calm” during the call that a senior medic at first thought it was a false alarm.

Air ambulance doctor Michael Davison said: “Normally when a call comes through like that there’s almost an element of anguish… primeval. 

“There’s just this kind of power that comes out of the voice and it just wasn’t like that.”

On January 12, a “sleep-deprived” Stockton, 38, was left to look after Charlie by Roberts at their home in Darlington.

This was despite the mum being so “concerned” about her baby and partner that she installed a spy camera in a plant pot above his cot, it was said.

Shortly after the pair were left alone, Stockton called 999 to report Charlie claiming the youngster had choked on a chocolate biscuit – although nothing was found in his airways.

Nicholas Lumley KC, prosecuting, said: “Christopher Stockton was alone in the house with Charlie.

“In a very short time – for that is all it takes to lose one’s temper – he must have assaulted Charlie by shaking or throwing him with considerable force.

“What happened to Charlie once his mother had closed the door on him was no accident. Much as it may have been quickly and bitterly regretted, it was no accident.”

The court was told Charlie’s horrific injuries were so “devastating” he likely would have collapsed “almost immediately”.

He tragically couldn’t be saved and died in hospital the following day.

Medics could find no underlying health conditions, which led them to believe his cause of death was the “application of severe force” that caused “his head to rotate or be thrown about”, it was said.

Jurors heard previously that staff at his nursery had raised concerns when they noticed bruising on the tot.

Social services were called after Charlie was rushed to hospital with marks to his ear, eye and head but no action was taken, it was said.

Jurors heard the baby had injuries to his genitals that were likely to have been caused by a “violent pulling force”.

Roberts’ brother also noticed marks on both of his ears but Roberts, 41, claimed he had been sleep-walking.

Mr Lumley said: “The prosecution case is that there are simply too many incidents of bruising for it not to have been the result of neglect.

“Anyone living with Charlie and caring for Charlie in those circumstances bears responsibility for that neglect.”

Stockton denies murder and child neglect, while Roberts has pleaded not guilty to a charge of neglect.

The trial continues.

Stockton has denied murdering the baby[/caption]
Charlie was found to have suffered horror injuries[/caption]
He was also found with bruising in the months before his death, jurors heard[/caption]

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