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Rafael Nadal more focused on helping Spain win Davis Cup tie than retirement


Rafael Nadal will try to keep his emotions in check as he prepares for the final event of his professional tennis career.

The 22-time grand-slam champion will represent Spain one last time at the Davis Cup Finals in Malaga this week.

Such is the interest in Nadal’s farewell that the press conference room at the Martin Carpena Arena was not deemed big enough to cope with demand for Spain’s pre-event media, and it instead took place at a conference centre at the team’s five-star hotel on the Costa del Sol.

Asked if he thought he might struggle to contain his emotions, Nadal said: “If I am on court, hopefully not, no, because at the end I am not here for retiring. I’m here to try to help the team.

“Then it’s of course going to be my last week on the professional tour, but at the end, we are here in a teams competition.

“The most important thing here is to try to help the team and to stay all focused on what we have to do, that is play tennis and do it very well. Because the rival is going to be difficult, and the conditions are difficult, too. So then the emotions are going to be for the end.

“To play my last event in Spain, it’s something that I am very happy with. Because I will never have the chance to thank enough everybody here in Spain, the support that I receive and the love that I felt always.”

Tickets for Spain’s quarter-final against the Netherlands on Tuesday have been changing hands for five-figure sums but it remains to be seen when, or even if, Nadal will play.

The 38-year-old has competed very sparingly, with his only appearance since the Olympics coming at an exhibition event in Saudi Arabia, where he lost both his singles matches.

If Nadal is picked to play singles, he would take on Dutch number one Tallon Griekspoor, but it is probably more likely that he pairs up with Marcel Granollers in the doubles – although a 2-0 victory for either team could leave him sitting on the bench.

Nadal said of his form: “I just tried to work as hard as possible the last month and a half, then here, just trying to do my best every single day.

“Of course, when you are not competing very often, it’s a little bit more difficult to hold the level in a constant basis, but I have good moments, more difficult moments. I think the improvement is there every day, but we have a great team in Spain.


“So the thing is all these players on the tour are playing very well, having great seasons. Then it’s the work of the captain to decide what he feels it’s better for the team.”

Captain David Ferrer said he has not yet decided his team, although Carlos Alcaraz seems sure to play despite the illness that affected him at the ATP Finals last week.

Nadal announced in a video message last month that this tournament would be his last, deciding after much soul searching that his body no longer allowed him to compete at the highest level.

“It’s something that I have been thinking for quite a long time, some on and offs during the season,” he said. “But I tried always to give me one more chance.

“But it’s something that I decided with time. So I’m enjoying the week. I know it’s going to be a big change in my life, but that’s going to happen later after this week. Now I am here on the team, and I am very excited.”

Sourse: breakingnews.ie

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