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Watch as bizarre dance craze sweeps world of sport & it comes from the unlikeliest of people…do YOU know who sparked it?


A NEW viral dance has taken over the world of sport and has been done by the biggest athletes in the US but you’ll never expect who inspired it.

Rarely has a celebration spread like wildfire from golf to soccer, and even MMA, but an unlikely dad-dance was seen across famous fields this weekend.

Nick Bosa of the San Francisco 49ers celebrated with a viral dance
TNT Sports
UFC champion Jon Jones did the dance at Madison Square Garden[/caption]
US soccer star Christian Pulisic performed the athlete favorite dance on Monday after he scored in St. Louis
X @brfootball Ex

Viral dances in the past have been modern and young but this new craze is much the opposite.

Donald Trump’s infamous dad dance has moved from the rally stages and swept the sports world.

The president-elect went viral during the campaign trail for pumping his fists in the air while swaying his hips from side to side.

Trump often pulled out his moves to the tune of YMCA but these athletes have done it to the cheers of their fans.

Despite going viral months ago, this dance has been popularized in the sport’s world just this weekend, after the Republican’s victory over Kamala Harris.

American footballer Nick Bosa did the viral dance with his San Francisco 49ers team-mates, the weekend after Trump’s win.

Bosa started a trend in the NFL as even more players pulled out the dad moves this weekend.

Raiders tight end Brock Bowers told USA Today what inspired him to break out the Trump-inspired dance on Sunday.

“I’ve seen everyone do it,” he said.

“I watched the UFC fight last night and Jon Jones did it. I like watching UFC so I saw it, and thought it was cool.”

Jon Jones’ moves were also seen by the president-elect himself, who was in attendance at UFC 309 on Saturday, in Madison Square Garden.

The fighter went over to Trump, who sat next to his new friend Elon Musk, to shake his hand and he allowed the President-elect to hold his heavyweight title belt.

The most high profile rendition so far was from US men’s soccer team and AC Milan star Christian Pulisic.

Pulisic burst out into the so-called Trump dance after his opening goal in the team’s 4-2 win against Jamaica on Monday in St. Louis, Missouri.

It has been unclear whether these moves are political or just a viral sensation.

Pulisic was quick to stress his rendition was “not a political dance,” per The Athletic.

He said: “I saw everyone doing it yesterday in the NFL, I saw Jon Jones do it, and we were just having a bit of fun.

“I thought it was a pretty fun dance.”

Donald Trump’s dance dance, performed at rallies, went viral online[/caption]
The President-elect greeted Jon Jones after he did the dance at Madison Square Garden[/caption]
USA TODAY Sports via Reuters Con
Las Vegas Raiders player Brock Bowers also did the dance to celebrate a touchdown this weekend[/caption]

Bosa however did not confirm the intent behind his dance, despite being a public Trump supporter, according to CNN sports.

He said: “All the guys wanted me to do it. I wasn’t even going to do it, but the boys reminded me. And it was fun.”

The NFL star was previously fined over $11,000 for wearing a Make America Great Again hat in a postgame interview, but the sporting board has not deemed the recent trend to be political.


This trend has not been exclusive to American athletes as British golfer Charley Hull performed the dance at a tournament in Florida.

The dance hasn’t been exclusive to American soil as some sportspeople have showed off their moved abroad.

British footballer Steven Humphrys also did the Trump dance after his team Barnsley drew against Fulham.

Nick Bosa performed the Trump dance with his teammates on November 10[/caption]

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