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Barca need plan B without Yamal for Celta Vigo Liga visit


Hansi Flick's side have struggled when the 17-year-old is not on the pitch, as the Spain international has become a crucial part of their attacking gameplan.

With Yamal set to miss the trip to Galicia because of an ankle problem, the German coach needs a plan B.

Yamal was rested for Barcelona's visit to face Osasuna in September, with the Catalans losing 4-2.

Appearing as a substitute with Barcelona trailing, Yamal scored a superb late goal to remind Flick of his importance to the team.

Since then, he started every match for Barcelona until injury kept him out of the team that lost 1-0 at Real Sociedad before the international break.

Flick put Raphinha on the left wing and used Fermin Lopez out of position on the right and his team failed to create many chances in San Sebastian, despite having scored 40 goals in the 12 league games preceeding.

"Of course, a player with the quality Lamine has, every team (would) miss it," admitted Flick after the defeat.

"In the last third, we weren't making the right decisions."

With Dani Olmo seemingly fit again after injury the playmaker can add more quality in the final third for Barcelona and supply striker Robert Lewandowski with the ammunition he needs to thrive.

The veteran Polish forward is the league's top goalscorer with 14 strikes but also failed to find the net in the games where Yamal did not start.

With the youngster's skill and speed attracting opposition defenders and his creativity crucial in teeing up Lewandowski, their connection has been vital to Barcelona's campaign.

Yamal is also a fine foil for Raphinha when Barcelona counter-attack at pace, with the Brazilian winger, in the form of his career, often racing onto clever passes played by the Spaniard to devastating effect.

With Ferran Torres also out injured, Flick could turn to winger Pau Victor to replace Yamal or use Pablo Torre in attacking midfield with Olmo shifted to the left wing and Raphinha on the right.

Claudio Giraldez's Celta Vigo, 11th, boast former Barcelona defender Marcos Alonso in their ranks.

"It's special because we play against the leaders," said Alonso.

"We have shown in previous games against big sides we can compete, but we haven't managed to take a good result."

Celta Vigo came close to upsetting Real Madrid but were beaten 2-1 by the Spanish champions in October.

Barca have only won twice in their last nine visits to Balaidos.

A win for Barcelona could take them nine points clear of Madrid before they visit Leganes on Sunday.

Elsewhere, Atletico Madrid, third, host Alaves, while Valencia host Real Betis in their first match since devastating floods hit the region causing loss of life and severe damage on the east coast.

Player to watch: Kylian Mbappe

Real Madrid striker Mbappe came under fire before the international break after scoring just one goal in his last seven matches across all competitions. The forward was left out of France's squad and will be hoping to come back refreshed for Madrid's game at Leganes on Sunday.

Key stats

7 - the number of clean sheets kept by Real Sociedad and Atletico Madrid, the joint-highest tally in the league

80 - Osasuna defender Alejandro Catena has the most clearances in the top flight

700 - Diego Simeone will coach a milestone La Liga match at the helm of Atletico Madrid


Friday (all times GMT)

Getafe v Valladolid (2000)


Valencia v Real Betis (1300), Atletico Madrid v Alaves (1515), Girona v Espanyol (1730), Las Palmas v Mallorca (1730), Celta Vigo v Barcelona (2000)


Osasuna v Villarreal (1300), Sevilla v Rayo Vallecano (1515), Leganes v Real Madrid (1730), Athletic Bilbao v Real Sociedad (2000)

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