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'This creep needs to go away': Critics panic as 'unemployed' Matt Gaetz hints at next step


Former Republican U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz caused a stir on Saturday as he hinted about his next steps in the political world after withdrawing his name from consideration as Donald Trump's next Attorney General.

Trump nominated Gaetz for the top legal spot despite Gaetz having limited legal experience and never having served as a prosecutor. Gaetz removed himself from the nomination process after hitting speed bumps, including those related to a yet-to-be-released ethics report surrounding allegations about drug use and child sex trafficking.

Some speculated Gaetz might attempt to return to Congress, despite resigning immediately upon being nominated for the spot in Trump's administration, but experts say that would revive the discussion over the report about allegations for which Gaetz was never convicted or charged criminally.

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But Gaetz himself provided a hint on social media over the weekend, suggesting he won't return to Congress but instead will position himself to be the next governor of Florida.

Anthony Sabatini, former member of the Florida House of Representatives, posted on X (formerly called Twitter) that Gaetz "will be the next Governor of the State of Florida."

Gaetz himself shared that comment along with a Florida flag.

This led to numerous reactions on social media.

RNC National Committeewoman Amy Kremer said she "would love this!" but others weren't happy.

Republicans against Trump said, "Holy s---."

"Matt Gaetz hints he might run for Florida governor," the group wrote in response. "This creep needs to go away."

Popular parody account GOP Jesus said, "

Protect Kamala Harris tried to float an early Gaetz opposition.

"Matt Gaetz is considering a run for Governor of Florida in 2026. This is Democrat Gwen Graham, a former Congresswoman and daughter of beloved Senator Bob Graham," the account wrote. "She is the strongest candidate to beat Gaetz."

Lakshya Jain, a political analyst at Split Ticket, an election modeling and data analysis group, said, "Gaetz basically confirms he’s running for governor of Florida in 2026."

"The single weakest candidate you can imagine, and the only one who would realistically put the state in play. Bigger question for now, though, is if he even wins a primary, unless Trump endorses him," Jain wrote.

Political commentator Brian Tyler Cohen also flagged the news, adding, "Far from accusations of child sex trafficking being a disqualifier in the Party of Family Values, it's apparently a prerequisite."

A day earlier, Gaetz's wife, Ginger, posted a photo of her husband along with the words, "Unemployment has never looked so good."

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