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Reading & Leeds fans convinced massive US rapper with very famous ex will headline 2025 festival after ‘clue’


FESTIVAL-GOERS are convinced that a huge US rapper with headline at Reading and Leeds next year.

Many eagle-eyed fans think Goosebumps hitmaker Travis Scott is set to grace the stage at the 2025 gigs.

Travis Scott is ‘set to play’ at Reading and Leeds Festival according to fans[/caption]
The Mega Agency
The rapper was in a long-term relationship with Kylie Jenner[/caption]

Travis, who was previously in a relationship with makeup mogul and KUWTK star Kylie Jenner, have spotted a gap in his tour for around the same time Leeds and Reading festival kicks off in August.

The rapper’s Utopia album was released in 2023 and was the start of his Circus Maximus Tour, which will end on October 2024.

Now fans think that the artist could be playing at the annual music event next summer.

One wrote on a forum: “I have a strong suspicion that either Travis Scott and/or Eminem will be at Reading next year, especially after his successful Utopia tour and ability to draw a large audience I think this is very likely as he has headlined before.”

A second said: “I’d argue there’s more chance of Travis, he will cost less. Wouldn’t be surprised if Eminem does Glastonbury.”

This person begged: “Hope he does come back or Eminem does it. I’m so sick and tired of them booking rap artists that are terrible live and help fuel the narrative that rappers shouldn’t be booked. Look at 21 this year, he was absolutely awful. I’d be happy with either but hopefully both of them.”

Kylie shares her 6-year-old daughter, Stormi, and son Aire, 2, with the Sicko Mode rapper.


A source recently claimed that the Khy founder and her ex-boyfriend “barely talk” anymore, despite what some fans have seen about them having a “loving and mutually respectful co-parenting” relationship.

They said that Kylie has been “really struggling with their co-parenting situation,” which has put “a lot of pressure on her.”

The insider noted that the former couple’s daughter, Stormi, “adores him” and “asks for him all the time.”

While Kylie keeps her parenting situation private, the source also claimed she has “really gone out of her way to keep Travis in their lives” and “gives him the opportunity to be a good father.”

The Mega Agency
A source claimed that the Khy founder and her ex-boyfriend ‘barely talk’ anymore[/caption]

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