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I built an entire tiny home for just £14k & everyone says it’s incredible – and here’s how I got loads of items free


A WOMAN has revealed how she was able to build an entire tiny home for just £14,000.

Hollie Jones designed and built the home herself using wood and an old trailer she purchased for £3000.

Hollie built her tiny home for just £14,000[/caption]
She got lots of furniture for free or off Facebook marketplace[/caption]

With the help of her dad, who is a builder, she crafted a stunning oasis in Queenstown, New Zealand, which she has decorated with dozens of gorgeous plants, to give the place a homely feel.

Hollie’s tiny home has everything she needs, including a living room with a large grey sofa and stylish patterned rug.

She got lots of the furniture for free and for cheap off sites such as Facebook marketplace.

Hollie was keen to make sure all of her appliances such as the fridge and microwave were brand new, but shopped around to find the cheapest bargains at budget retailers.

She also saved cash by making a simple compost toilet, using an old bucket and a toilet seat.

Upstairs, Hollie has a a tiny mezzanine bedroom, with a double bed in it and a small skylight.

“It’s small but really cosy, and I love it”, she said.

Hollie rents the land that her home is situated on, but said that this costs just £25 a week.

Her home is also on wheels, meaning that she can pick it up and move it whenever she likes.

“I’m really happy with what I created,” she said.

Hollie’s (@hollylovesplants) video, has likely left many impressed, as it has racked up over 433,0000 views on the video sharing platform.

TikTok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts.

One person said: “This is amazing… i wish I could do this!”

A second person said: “That’s awesome! And the money you’ll be able to save for a bigger home when you eventually want one will be worth it.”

A third person said: “You’re amazing, well done.

“This has given me so much inspiration..”

Living in a tiny home is a great way to save cash for a house, whilst still having your independence.

As the cost of living crisis continues to bite, more and more adults are struggling to get on the property ladder and are choosing to live in their family home for longer.

The 2021 census revealed that over half of people aged 23 and under still live with their parents.

The average price of a house in the UK was £285,000 as of March 2023, and this rises to a whopping £735,254, which is completely unaffordable for many.

Moreover, research from the Resolution Foundation found that the average first time buyer deposit tripled from 5 per cent of the property price in 1989 to 15 per cent in 2019.

This means that buyers have to save for far longer and use up a larger percentage of their earnings to get on the property ladder.

Recent research by property site Zoopla found that 42 per cent of adults under 40 who do not already own homes have given up, due to the astronomical cost of buying a property.

This included 38 per cent of people earning over £60,000 (almost double the average salary for the UK).

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