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I went from a £20k salary to making £100k a MONTH at just 24 – now I live a luxury lifestyle & travel all over the world


A YOUNG woman from the UK who was sick of the corporate rat race revealed how she got out and boosted her income.

Liv Needham claims she now makes £100,000 in a single month at just 24 years old.

Liv Needham quit her 9-5 to work for herself and is now raking it in[/caption]
She can travel all over the world while still making thousands a month[/caption]

In one clip, she showed an average day in her life as a business owner who went from ‘£20k in a year to £100k in a month.’

In the clip Liv started off with a hearty breakfast before removing on to creating content for social media and helping her clients.

She revealed she was an online business coach along with her husband and helped entrepreneurs get the most out of their company.

Liv has also shown that her new income and lifestyle have taken her around the world.

Now the pair work for themselves they have the freedom to travel whenever they want to.

The couple clearly have a passion for sunny countries with gorgeous beaches as they’ve headed to Antigua, Barbados, Croatia, and Montenegro.

She said: “If working hard is working from anywhere I want, when I want and be able to earn an unlimited income then I guess you could say I work hard.”

While plenty of people were stunned by her new lavish income, even saying it was her ‘dad’s money‘ Liv insisted it was down to hard work.

“No disrespect to my dad but he literally works in Asda, certainly not daddy’s money,” Liv responded.

She encouraged people to take the risk and believe in themselves if they were also fed up with the classic 9-5.

“Stop listening to the doubters, take the risk,” she added.

The videos were shared on her TikTok account @thelivneedham where she has amassed over 5,000 followers and 30k likes.

People were quick to take to the comments shocked by her earnings.

One person wrote: “What I’ve noticed is that successful entrepreneurs work and then they do regular human and everyday things too. so amazing watching you do what you do.”

Top five easiest side hustles

  1. Dog walking
  2. Babysitting
  3. Selling clothes on Vinted or Depop
  4. Start a Youtube or TikTok channel
  5. Tutoring

Another commented: “Sign me up.”

“Love this,” penned a third.

Meanwhile, others seemed to question just how much Liv was really making, a fourth said: “You wish.”

“£100k? Prove it,” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “Lool does anyone believe this?”

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