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Gen Z Are Looking For This 1 Important Trait In A Potential Dating App Match


At a time when LGBTQ+ rights are being called into question and even rolled back, new data from dating app Feeld reveals that these efforts are in direct conflict with what’s important to Gen Z.

According to the 2024 dating trend statistics from Feeld, LGBTQ+ rights is the fastest growing interest amongst Gen Z when they are seeking potential mates, which is a massive 240% increase on 2023 stats.

While this may seem surprising, two experts have revealed exactly why this has happened, and why these rights matter so much to Gen Z in particular.

Experts explain why LGBTQ+ rights are so important to Gen Z

Dr Natasha McKeever, a lecturer in Applied Ethics at the University of Leeds and expert in philosophy of love says: “More than three times as many Gen Z identify as LGBTQ+ than Gen X or Boomers, and they are generally more fluid and flexible about the idea of sexuality in general.

“It is no surprise that LGBTQ+ rights would be of significant interest to Gen Z.”

Dr Luke Brunning — who is also an Applied Ethics lecturer co-directs the Centre for Love, Sex and Relationships with Dr McKeever at the university — believes that rights being under threat is exactly why they’re more important than ever.

He says: “Rights become most salient when they are under threat.

“The continuing rise of right-wing populist politics, to the detriment of LGBTQ+ people in general, has made people more vocal in recognising, affirming and fighting for minority rights.”

Solidarity is more important than ever

Last month, Simon Blake, CEO at LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall said: “When I was growing up as a gay teenager, I learned that at best, gay people were not considered normal, and at worst we were dangerous and predatory. Our lives were up for debate. From the classroom to the workplace and the streets, the discrimination we experienced was blatant and expected.  

“Now, as then, trans people face similar demonisation and people debate the rights and needs of trans people without including trans voices in discussions. So often, people from different parts of the LGBTQ+ community are ‘othered’ – that is, they are viewed or treated as intrinsically different to other people.

“This has been particularly intense for trans people in recent years.”

He went on to say that action, and joyful resistance are essential: “We must start moving from awareness to action. In the face of hostility and prejudice, trans and non-binary people and their allies continue to resist through acts of joy and demonstrate resilience, rising time and again, and showing that change is both essential and possible.”

Looks like Gen Z are on the case.

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