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Insiders Allege How Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Have Connected on ‘A Deeper Level’ amid JLo Divorce


Exes Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have been hanging out a lot ever since he and Jennifer Lopez called it quits. In fact, since Affleck and Garner have been hanging out so much, reconciliation rumors have sparked, despite Garner being in a years-long relationship with John Miller. However, insiders allege that them hanging out has changed something: they’ve bonded “on a deeper level.”

An inside source told Life and Style Magazine that the exes are closer than ever after his recent divorce.

“Ben and Jen are closer than ever,” they said to the outlet. “They’ve developed a mutual respect and a deeper level of friendship they didn’t have before. It has some friends asking if they could be on their way to getting back together.”

So this recent divorce has made them closer, and inside sources even alleged that Garner is so proud of him for it.

“[Garner] has watched him evolve. She’s seen the progress and the transformation, and it’s changed how she feels about him,” the inside source said. And they also added that “it’s no secret that Ben thinks Jen was the best thing to ever happen to him.”

So, no reconciliation rumors here, they’re just closer than ever as pals!

For those who don’t know, Affleck and Garner met in 2000 while filming Pearl Harbour, while Affleck was engaged to Lopez and Garner was married to Scott Foley. Their romantic relationship didn’t begin until 2004, and then they married in Turks and Caicos in June 2005. They later welcomed three children: Violet Anne Affleck, 19, Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck, 15, and Samuel Garner Affleck, 12.

The couple officially filed for divorce in 2017, and in 2018, they finalized their divorce. 

An In Touch Weekly source divulged that Garner and Affleck have always been close, even during his marriage to Lopez. “Even when he was married to J. Lo he’d got to Jen for her advice, which as you can imagine did not do his marriage any favors,” they said. “But now he’s single again and free to talk to her 10 times a day if he wants, and there are days he does,” they added.

Before you go, click here to see celebrities who fight hard to keep their partners and kids away from paparazzi.

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