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BREAKING: Trump CRUSHES ABC News and George Stephanopoulos to Win Defamation Suit – ABC and Disgraced Host Must Pay Trump Whopping $15 MILLION for Stephanopoulos’ Statements on E. Jean Carroll


Christmas came early for President Trump on Saturday.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Trump was supposed to be deposed the week before Christmas in his defamation case against ABC News.

Trump sued ABC News earlier this year after Stephanopoulos claimed Trump was “found liable for r*pe” by a Manhattan jury in the E. Jean Carroll case. The corrupt leftist jury found Trump liable for defaming certified nut E.Jean Carroll, not r*pe.

Stephanopoulos defamed Trump during an interview with Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) earlier this year. He also smeared Mace, an actual rape victim in the process:

In 2019, E. Jean Carroll alleged Donald Trump ra*ed her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s. This never happened, of course, because Trump has never met the woman.

But now, ABC and Stephanopoulos must pay Trump a whopping $15 MILLION for their sick comments. The money will be donated to “a Presidential foundation and museum” established by the president-elect:

Fox News reported:

ABC News and their top anchor George Stephanopoulos have reached a settlement with Donald Trump in his defamation suit, which will result in the news network paying the president-elect $15 million.

The settlement was publicly filed on Saturday, revealing that the two parties have come to an agreement and avoided a costly trial. According to the settlement, ABC News will pay $15 million as a charitable contribution to a “Presidential foundation and museum to be established by or for Plaintiff, as Presidents of the United States of America have established in the past.” Additionally, the network will pay $1 million in Trump’s attorney fees.

Stephanopoulos and ABC News will issue statements of “regret” as an editor’s note at the bottom of a March 10, 2024, online article, about comments made earlier this year that prompted Trump to file a defamation lawsuit.

The groveling statement by the network reads as follows:

ABC News and George Stephanopoulos regret statements regarding President Donald J. Trump made during an interview by George Stephanopoulos with Rep. Nancy Mace on ABC’s This Week on March 10, 2024.

Below is the link to today’s decision:


This is a breaking news story and will be updated.

The post BREAKING: Trump CRUSHES ABC News and George Stephanopoulos to Win Defamation Suit – ABC and Disgraced Host Must Pay Trump Whopping $15 MILLION for Stephanopoulos’ Statements on E. Jean Carroll appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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