News in English

Jamie Foxx forced to have stitches after ‘glass thrown at him’ during altercation on night out


HOLLYWOOD actor Jamie Foxx has been left injured after reportedly being involved in an altercation in a Beverly Hills restaurant.

The actor, who is known for his roles in films including Django Unchained and Baby Driver, has been left needing stitches following a fight that broke out at Mr Chow in Beverly Hills.

Hollywood actor Jamie Foxx is said to have been injured in an altercation at a Beverly Hills restaurant[/caption]
Jamie Foxx is reported to have needed stitches following the altercation, where ‘someone from another table threw a glass that hit him in the mouth’[/caption]

The 57-year-old actor is said to have had a glass thrown at him, before police were called.

The star was seen entering the restaurant on Friday night (13 December) alongside his daughters Corinne and Anelise Foxx, as well as his former partner Kristin Grannis.

A spokesperson for Foxx told Page Six that Jamie was at his birthday dinner “when someone from another table threw a glass that hit him in the mouth“.

They added: “The police were called and the matter is now in law enforcement’s hands.”

He’s said to have left the restaurant by the time law authorities arrived, but not received any medical attention at the scene.

The incident comes after last year Foxx suffered a major setback with his health, which saw him hospitalised in after suffering a mystery “medical complication“.

The star was hospitalised after a ‘bad headache’ in April 2023, with Jamie saying it had seen him go ‘to hell and back’.

The actor and comedian opened up about his health in his Netflix special, which saw him ‘open up old wounds’.

In October he told CBS Morning’s host Gayle King about his concerns of talking about his health diagnosis for his comedy stand up.

Called ‘What Happened Was’, it takes a deep dive into the actor’s recent health scare.

Speaking to Gayle backstage after wrapping up the recording of his show in Atlanta, the Collateral actor admitted to her that it was “an excruciating time to be able to open those wounds every single day for three nights”.

He added: “Usually, when you do a stand-up special, you go out for a year and work every nook and cranny, then you tape it.

“You don’t just show up in Atlanta and turn the camera. It was excruciating because the worry is what gets you.”

“We’ve got a great show in the room, but we don’t know what they may laugh or what they may not laugh at.”

“Any comedian will tell you that’s the thing, the worry is the thing.”

The actor attended Mr Chow restaurant alongside his two daughters and former partner on Friday night[/caption]
The 57-year-old actor did not receive medical attention at the scene, and had left by the time law authorities arrived[/caption]
The incident comes after Jamie Foxx suffered a health setback last year that saw him hospitalised[/caption]

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