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ABC Agrees to $15 Million Settlement in Trump Defamation Case


In a notable legal resolution, ABC News has agreed to pay $15 million to settle a defamation lawsuit filed by President-elect Donald Trump. The settlement stems from a dispute involving inaccurate statements made by ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos during a televised interview.

According to the terms disclosed on December 14, 2024, the settlement amount will be allocated to a presidential foundation and museum associated with Trump. An additional $1 million will be paid to Trump’s legal team for counsel fees.

ABC News acknowledged the misstatements and added a correction note to the relevant online article, expressing regret for the error. “We are pleased that the parties have reached an agreement to dismiss the lawsuit on the terms outlined in the court filing,” stated Jeannie Kedas, an ABC News spokesperson.

The legal conflict originated from a March interview on Stephanopoulos’ program “This Week,” where he inaccurately stated that Trump had been “found liable for rape” in a civil case involving writer E. Jean Carroll. In reality, a jury had determined Trump was liable for sexual abuse, not rape, as defined under New York law.

The legal case against Trump concerned two civil lawsuits brought by Carroll. In the first, Trump was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation, resulting in a $5 million damages award. The second case ended with Trump being ordered to pay an additional $83.3 million for defamation. Trump has denied all allegations and is appealing both verdicts.

Following the disputed broadcast, Trump’s legal team swiftly filed a defamation lawsuit against ABC News and Stephanopoulos, accusing them of knowingly making false statements. The settlement agreement was signed on December 13, 2024, including signatures from Trump, Stephanopoulos, and ABC executives.

Under the settlement terms, ABC News is required to transfer the $15 million to an escrow account managed by Trump’s legal firm within 10 days. The funds are designated as a charitable contribution toward establishing Trump’s presidential library.

The settlement highlights the critical importance of accurate reporting in high-profile legal matters. Legal experts noted that while the settlement amount is substantial, it represents a fraction of the estimated costs associated with constructing a modern presidential library, citing former President Barack Obama’s library, estimated at $830 million as of 2021.

By resolving the lawsuit, ABC News aims to mitigate further legal exposure while emphasizing its commitment to journalistic integrity. Meanwhile, Trump’s legal victories, coupled with the settlement, are viewed by his supporters as validation of his ongoing disputes with major media outlets.

As this settlement concludes a high-stakes defamation case, it underscores the delicate balance between media accountability and freedom of the press in politically charged environments. Both parties have refrained from additional public comments following the settlement agreement.

The post ABC Agrees to $15 Million Settlement in Trump Defamation Case appeared first on Khaama Press.

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