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Guess Who Was Right About the Notorious Duke University Rape Case Years and Years Ago (VIDEO)


This week, we learned that Crystal Magnum, the exotic dancer who accused three Duke University students of raping her in the early 2000s, made up the whole story. It was a lie and she finally admitted it.

Do you know who had the right instincts on this story from the very beginning? Stephen Miller, the adviser and friend to Donald Trump.

Miller was a student at Duke at the time and was a columnist for the school’s conservative student newspaper. He appeared on Court TV and other networks at the time, casting doubt on the story and urging others not to ruin the lives of the accused students.

His defense of these students is even mentioned in his speaker bio at the Young America’s Foundation:

Stephen Miller is one of the original and leading voices, thinkers and strategists of the America First Movement. He is consulted regularly by Members of Congress and state and local leaders, appears routinely on television and radio, and is now building the next chapter for the movement to ensure the future is written by America First.

Growing up in Los Angeles, Stephen Miller got his start in politics during high school, regularly appearing on talk radio to expose radical indoctrination in the classroom.

From there, Miller went to Duke University, where he led a chapter of Students for Academic Freedom, served as the Executive Director of the Duke Conservative Union, organized for Young America’s Foundation, and wrote as a columnist for the Duke Chronicle. He was one of the earliest voices, in print and on television, warning against a rush to judgement in the Duke Lacrosse case.

Watch this video with various clips of Miller appearing on news programs, asking questions about the case and defending the accused.

He was right about all of it. Will anyone in the liberal media ever give him credit now that we know the truth?

The post Guess Who Was Right About the Notorious Duke University Rape Case Years and Years Ago (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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