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Reform UK’s Billionaire Finance Chief Nick Candy To Meet Elon Musk – World’s Richest Man Could Donate $100 Million To Fuel Farage’s Populist Revolution


The United Kingdom bucked the continental trend of many European populations choosing increasingly conservative leaders and parties.

The British people saw fit to give the detestable Labour party a massive victory, after the disappointing Conservative Party remained in power for 14 years, from 2010 to 2024, with five Prime Ministers: David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak.

But now there’s a new Sheriff in London Town – the surging Nigel Farage and his Reform UK, that is gearing up to be a real contender in the next general elections.

It now arises that Reform UK’s finance chief Nick Candy is reportedly expected to meet American tech multi-billionaire and Free Speech advocate Elon Musk, the next Director of the Department of Government Efficiency.

This comes amid growing rumors that the world’s richest man could donate as much $100 million to the populist Brits.

Daily Mail reported:

“Property tycoon Nick Candy, who declared he was joining Nigel Farage’s outfit as Treasurer last week, said he believed Mr. Musk ‘would like to help’. Mr. Candy has committed to giving the party £1million himself – but is also launching a push to raise tens of millions more from other wealthy business figures.”

ON THE MARCH: Real State Billionaire and Former Tory Donor Nick Candy Joins Nigel Farage’s Reform UK as Treasurer as Party Professionalizes To Win Next Election

The Mail reports that insiders in other parties have to admit that obtaining funding on such a scale could add rocket fuel to Reform’s rise in the polls.

Candy claims that Reform’s membership will soon exceed the Tories’ 130,000.

“’The oldest political party in this country… will be overtaken in members by the newest political party in this country – and that is mind-blowing,’ he said.“

Farage says he ‘knows nothing’ about a potential contribution from Mr. Musk, but doesn’t deny that he’d welcome it.

Farage is gearing up to be next British Prime Minister.

Candy admits to be in talks with Musk, who has shown sympathy for Reform’s progress on X.

“’Elon’s managed to do an incredible job for President-elect Trump, and he’s sort of changed the political spectrum in America,’ Mr. Candy said. ‘He knows how to get things done. I want to understand how he got those people out in Pennsylvania. I want to learn from him.’”

Candy says they may also be asking for specific advice.

“The Reform Treasurer insisted any donation would need to be ‘within the rules and regulations’, but argued that Mr. Musk is already ‘legally allowed to donate through his companies that are registered in the UK, whether that’s Tesla or whether that’s X’. He added: ‘We would like him to help… I would like him to help.’”

Read more:

‘We’re Just Getting Started’: Nigel Farage’s Reform UK Party Overtakes Labour in National Opinion Poll for the First Time – Brexit Hero and Trump Ally Wants to Be the Next Prime Minister


The post Reform UK’s Billionaire Finance Chief Nick Candy To Meet Elon Musk – World’s Richest Man Could Donate $100 Million To Fuel Farage’s Populist Revolution appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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