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Drone sightings reach Capital Region, and beyond


HUDSON, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- Reports of drone sightings have now reached the capital region. Residents in Saratoga County, Albany County and Columbia County have reportedly seen large amounts of drones in the sky during the past few days -- a national investigation officials said has no immediate threat to the community.

One Hudson resident and retired police detective, Rodney Waithe said he's been seeing about 30-50 drones in the sky above his house ever since last Thursday.

"They weren't going fast, we were seeing planes zipping by, they were going at a moderate pace," said Waithe. "A lot of them were stationary, a few of them were flying around but you can tell they definitely were drones."

Waithe said the drones typically came out after dark around 8 p.m. Sunday night is the first night he hasn't seen them since Thursday.

Drone sightings have been reported across the east coast for weeks now, originally starting in New Jersey. Waithe recalls that drones have various uses.

"A lot of people use them just as a hobby, for taking photos, recordings," said Waithe. "Other agencies might use them for law enforcement purposes, probably to help search wooded areas for people that might be lost."

However, as for these reported drones, nobody knows what they're used for -- something that worries Waithe.

"I could see why people would be worried, I, myself, are a little bit concerned especially when you're getting feedback from people in the government that have no idea what's going on its strange," said Waithe.

Governor Kathy Hochul released a statement Sunday, announcing an update to their response.

"In response to my calls for additional resources, our federal partners are deploying a state-of-the-art drone detection system to New York State. This system will support state and federal law enforcement in their investigations. We are grateful to the Biden Administration for their support, but ultimately we need further assistance from Congress. Passing the Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act will give New York and our peers the authority and resources required to respond to circumstances like we face today," said Hochul in a statement.

The FBI Albany Bureau also released a statement to NEWS10 on Sunday, saying they are still investigating whether or not these are confirmed drone sightings.

"FBI Albany has received reports of drone sightings in various locations throughout our area of responsibility and we are working with our state and local partners to investigate and confirm whether the reported drone flights are actually drones or are instead manned aircraft or otherwise inaccurate sightings," said Sarah Ruane, Public Affairs Specialist, FBI Albany.

"Until we learn more than there will be more reason for concern or no concern, but we can't say right now so right now its a wait and see," said Waithe.

Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple posted Saturday on Facebook, acknowledging the reports in the area. He advised residents to not call 911 if these see these flashing lights. Instead, he recommends calling your local police department's non-emergency phone number to submit reports and/or videos.

In the meantime, the FBI in New Jersey and Department of Homeland Security said Friday that there is currently no threat to the community.

"We have no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings post a national security or public safety threat or have a foreign nexus," said the FBI and DHS in a joint statement.

Stick with News 10 for the latest update on this story. If you have any drone photos or videos, send us an email - pictures@news10.com.

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