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Danny Dyer breaks silence on return to EastEnders and row over Christmas Day suicide plot


DANNY Dyer has broken his silence on a potential return to EastEnders – and revealed how he rowed with bosses over a Christmas Day suicide plot.

When he decided to leave the show back in 2022, Danny Dyer wanted it to have a lasting impact, so he begged his bosses to give Mick an exit plot that involved him committing suicide on Christmas Day.

Danny Dyer has revealed whether he would ever return to EastEnders
Danny Dyer played Mick Carter in the hit BBC soap
GQ Hype
Danny Dyer on the cover of GQ Hype magazine speaking about how he would have liked to see the scriptwriters give Mick a suicide exit[/caption]
In the final weeks of his time in the Square, Mick was engaged to troublemaker Janine[/caption]

In an interview with GQ Hype, Danny revealed that he wanted bosses to create ‘a storyline where you see what’s really going on with Mick’ because he felt it was important to highlight the struggles many middle-aged men go through.

He added: “Because usually the people that commit suicide, they’re the funniest f***** in the pub before they go home and do it.

“No one really lies about being depressed, they lie about being happy.

“I’ve known a few people that have committed suicide – men who I knew well and I didn’t have a f*****g clue.

“I wanted to go out on something that really f*****g shakes the whole soap world and makes people go, ‘wow, that s**t happens – this isn’t even far-fetched.

“And to do it on Christmas Day, which a lot of people do.”

Danny played the ultimate alpha male in the show, but beneath that macho exterior, Mick suffered from anxiety and depression.

His character was at the centre of a storyline that revealed he had been abused as a child.

Danny felt there was plenty of material to show why he could have considered committing suicide and ‘begged bosses’ to consider writing this complex storyline for Mick and to show the build-up to it, revealing: “I think it’s f*****g important and they didn’t do it.”

In the end, Mick Carter was lost at sea after trying to save Linda following her getting swept out in the waves following a fight with Janine.

His body was never found, leaving the door open for Danny’s potential return.

The actor, however, was adamant that was not an option after bosses failed to follow his wishes for the exit plot.

He said: “That’s why I’m not going back to EastEnders, that [storyline] would have been the right thing to do, just to maybe get men talking more.”

Since leaving the square, Danny has gone on to TV roles in Mr Big Stuff and won rave reviews for his performance in the hit Disney+ adaptation of the Jilly Cooper bestseller Rivals, which will return for a second series.

His farewell plot saw him lost at sea after drama unfolded by the cliffs of Dover[/caption]
Mick’s exit scenes played out in December 2022[/caption]
Robert Viglasky
Danny has starred in Rivals since leaving the soap world[/caption]

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