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Keep your Christmas postal costs under control with our five money saving delivery tips


THE last day to send parcels via Royal Mail Second Class to arrive in time for Christmas is tomorrow, Wednesday December 18.

If you’re taking a trip to the post office this week, here’s how to cut the cost of sending your pressies.

If you’re posting parcels this week, here are five ways how to cut the cost of sending your pressies[/caption]

DOUBLE UP: Save on packaging by wrapping small gifts inside larger ones. For example, you could tuck a small item, like a mug, inside a scarf or pair of socks.

This reduces the need for extra gift wrap and, especially if you have more fragile items, it will keep them protected.

REUSE & REPURPOSE: Instead of buying new envelopes or packing boxes, reuse the packaging from any online deliveries sent to you this week.

Trim boxes to size if needed and cut off any unnecessary cardboard.

If you haven’t saved any packaging over the year, ask a neighbour or post a request on street or community WhatsApp groups or forums.

It’s also worth checking out any communal recycling bins for items you can repurpose.

BETTER TOGETHER: Rather than sending multiple smaller parcels, combine gifts into one larger box. This simplifies shipping and usually costs less, especially if the items are lightweight.

One big parcel is often far cheaper than several small ones.

SNUG SAVING: Oversized parcels often cost more to send.

Remove bulky outer packaging where possible and tightly pack items using just enough padding to protect them — you could try scrunching up this newspaper after you’ve read it, and packing it around the edges to prevent items from moving around inside the packaging.

COMPARE & CONTRAST: Use a comparison site such as Parcel2go.com to make sure you’re getting the cheapest delivery deal for your gifts.

Some companies offer a flat-rate fee instead of a weight-based fee for a certain size of delivery box which could work out cheaper if sending heavy gifts.

  • All prices on page correct at time of going to press. Deals and offers subject to availability

Deal of day

Save £28.99 on this Sekonda watch at HM Samuel[/caption]

CHECK out the 50 per cent off sale at HSamuel.co.uk – this Sekonda Maverick Men’s Chronograph watch was £59.99, now £28.99.

SAVE: £31

Cheap treat

Save £2.50 on Options White Hot Chocolate with your Tesco Clubcard[/caption]

WARM up with an Options White Hot Chocolate – a tub was £5, now £2.50 when you use your Tesco Clubcard.

SAVE: £2.50


GET three months of Amazon Music Unlimited, with ad-free listening and thousands of songs, absolutely free for a limited time.

The subscription reverts back to £10.99 after the trial period.

Top swap

This Baby Grinch sleepsuit is £9 at Primark[/caption]
The George at Asda version, above, is £8[/caption]

HAVE a merry Grinchmas!

This cute baby Grinch sleepsuit is £9 at Primark, top, or get the George at Asda version, above, £8.

SAVE: £1

Shop and save

Bali Body Self-Tanning water RRP £24.95 is now £5 at Poundland[/caption]

PICK up premium beauty items at Poundland.co.uk – the Bali Body Self-Tanning water RRP £24.95 is £5 now. Online only.

SAVE: £19.95


SHOP for Christmas gifts at Claires.com, and when you buy three presents, you get three free on selected ranges including new Wicked merchandise.

Hot right now

PICK up a last-minute party dress at JDwilliams.co.uk and use the code BELLS to get 20 per cent off.


Join thousands of readers taking part in The Sun Raffle

JOIN thousands of readers taking part in The Sun Raffle.

Every month we’re giving away £100 to 250 lucky readers – whether you’re saving up or just in need of some extra cash, The Sun could have you covered.

Every Sun Savers code entered equals one Raffle ticket.

The more codes you enter, the more tickets you’ll earn and the more chance you will have of winning!

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Собянин: Первые новогодние подарки доставлены из Москвы на новые территории


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