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I’m a mum-of-five living in a council house – my daily trick stops the mess getting stressful & I swear by a £1.30 spray


A MUM-of-five has revealed her daily tricks to stop the mess getting too overwhelming in her home. 

Amy, who lives in a four bedroom council house, has been working on decorating her home on a budget whilst also keeping it tidy. 

Amy is a mum-of-five and lives in a council house[/caption]
She has shared her daily trick to help keep her on top of her daily chores
Amy explained that once she has finished her chores she will always treat herself[/caption]

She took to her social media page called ‘life_with_amyr,’ to share a video of herself doing her daily chores and hacks

Narrating over the video of her cleaning, she says: “I’m a mum to five children so watch me keep on top of their mess and decorate my new house on a budget. 

“I like my house to be as clutter free as possible so I can stay on top of the cleaning.

“I absolutely stick to my daily cleaning routine because I know how quickly a mess can build up and it becomes so overwhelming.”

Amy’s “absolute must” in her routine is to stick to her daily cleaning routine which includes two loads of washing, drying, emptying and filling the dishwasher. 

She says: “My biggest hate is washing up and with seven of us I just felt like I was constantly washing up all day long. 

“I can’t tell you the relief of having a dishwasher. 

“If you have a big family please invest in one because honestly it will save you so much time and it reduces so much clutter. 

“So the last few things I do on an absolute daily basis is cleaning all the kitchen sides and table after every meal, hoovering and mopping the whole downstairs and a general tidy up upstairs to keep on top of everything.

“I love to give myself a little treat when I’m finished with all my cleaning. 

“So here I am having a beautiful iced coffee. It’s amazing.”

Many people rushed to the comments section to share their thoughts, with one writing asking what spray she uses on her black fridge to avoid streak marks. 

Amy replied in the comments section: “Have you tried white vinegar spray by Astonish – super cheap and it’s the only thing I use – it’s also fab on mirrors and windows.”

Astonish Multipurpose Cleaning Spray with White Vinegar can be bought from Amazon for £1.30.

There is a £1.30 spray she also swears by to help complete her chores
Her biggest hate is washing up and with seven of them in the household

It works by spraying it on the surface and then leaving for one to two minutes, before wiping with a clean damp cloth. 

Another asked: “How do you keep your house clutter free? This is one thing I struggle with and then it makes cleaning harder.”

Amy replied with: “It does make cleaning harder. I’ve been there lovely.

“In my previous house I had so much crap and clutter and let my kids eat wherever they wanted – living rooms, bedrooms it was a nightmare!”

Cleaning and household chores in numbers

Well Polished conducted a survey and the results are in!

Most Hated Household Chores

  • Cleaning the oven – 34%
  • Ironing – 15%
  • Cleaning the toilet – 10%
  • Washing the dishes – 5%
  • Decluttering – 4%

Most Liked Household Chores

  • Cooking meals – 21%
  • Decluttering – 12%
  • Hoovering – 11%
  • Doing the laundry – 9%
  • Tending to pets 8%

Men VS Women: Who Puts the Work In?

Men spend 7 hours 54 minutes a week cleaning.

Women spend 12 hours 15 minutes a week cleaning.

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