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Topeka property manager receives multiple violations after massive trash pileups


TOPEKA (KSNT) - 27 news has uncovered new details into the massive trash pileups across Topeka apartment complexes.

The city says 34 violations have been issued to the property manager for 22 properties across Topeka. Today we spoke with a housing and credit counseling agency on what rights tenants have.

The city's retaliation ordinance was strengthen back in the summer. It gives renters their right to a clean, safe and sanitary home without being evicted from their landlord. But several may not know what they are protected under.

27 News spoke to Teresa Baker with House and Credit Counseling Inc. (HCCI) on the unique ordinance, and the current situation with dumpsters being clogged.

"Definitely not having the trash removed would fall in this category," Baker said. "So, the landlord cannot access the tenant, force a tenant to vacate within six months, decrease services for the tenant and also they cannot stop the tenant from creating a tenant's union where a group of tenants get together to fight something such as this."  

Although many have been upset over their living situation the past few weeks, HCCI urges people to continue to pay their rent. 

"Sometimes in this situation understandably, tenants are frustrated they have to hold up their end of the bargain and comply with the lease," Baker said. "But the landlord is not compliant with their obligations, as well as most of the time their lease agreements says that they will pick up their trash. So, tenants should never do that because then they could face eviction." 

One Topeka resident says they felt like they are stuck in a cycle with how the city has responded to the situation. 

"Its a huge circle and it's never ending and we're never gonna find a resolution," Chelsea Miller said. "And I feel like the only resolution is to prove he's not fit to be a landlord in Topeka or he's not fit to be a landlord period. 

The group who owns all these properties tells us tonight, they recently switched trash collection agencies, causing a service stoppage. They plan to bring in more dumpsters on Wednesday to help clear all the trash out. 

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