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Bargain hunters spot high street retailer is giving away ‘FREE’ Christmas cards due to packaging error


THE budget party shop Cardfactory is offering free Christmas cards after a packaging error affected the production of some multipacks.

The retailer sells 40-packs for £1.99, but due to the production problem, it currently has a buy-one-get-one free deal so you can get 80 for the same price. 

The Card Factory has slashed the price of its Christmas cards due to an error

A sign in one Kent branch reads: “Due to a packaging issue we cannot guarantee that each Christmas card multipack will contain exactly 40 cards as described.”

The multipacks contain five different designs including Santa, a village Christmas scene, a polar bear, presents and a simple traditional design.

The notice goes on to explain that the product is being sold “as is” – meaning that customers won’t be able to return or exchange the packs according to the usual returns policy. 

The bargain was first spotted by shoppers on HotUKDeals. 

It’s understood the offer is in multiple stores and flying off the shelves – meaning you’ll need to be quick to get a free pack.

The Card Factory was approached for a comment.

It is not the first time the Card Factory has offered shoppers the chance to nab a bargain.

Back in September, one customer picked up £87 worth of goods for £5.30 after the retailer decided to slash the price of cards to 10p to make way for Christmas stock.

The shopper managed to grab party bags and cards for nearly 75% off.

Retailers sometimes give away Christmas products for free as they know they won’t be able to shift them in the New Year.

For example last year Waitrose handed out the soft toy from its Christmas advert to shoppers in its stores after the character proved unpopular with youngsters.

More recently, shoppers spotted that B&M has reduced the price of its real-life Christmas trees to just £5.

The discounter has marked down the price of its Norway Spruce, Nordam Fir and Fraser Fir live trees from £20 to £5.

It offers shoppers a saving of £15.

In previous years, shoppers have celebrated nabbing real Christmas trees for just £1 at B&Q and £3.50 at Homebase.

In 2020, B&Q slashed the prices of its £60 Christmas trees to just 10p.

How to shop around for the best bargain

When hunting for a deal it is important to shop around to make sure you are not being overcharged.

There are plenty of comparison websites out there that’ll check prices for you – so don’t be left paying more than you have to.

Most of them work by comparing the prices across hundreds of retailers.

For example, Google Shopping is a tool that lets users search for and compare prices for products across the web. Simply type in keywords, or a product number, to bring up search results.

Price Spy also logs the history of how much something costs from over 3,000 different retailers, including ArgosAmazoneBay and the supermarkets.

Once you select an individual product you can quickly compare which stores have the best price and which have it in stock.

How to save money on Christmas shopping

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save money on your Christmas shopping.

Limit the amount of presents – buying presents for all your family and friends can cost a bomb.

Instead, why not organise a Secret Santa between your inner circles so you’re not having to buy multiple presents.

Plan ahead – if you’ve got the stamina and budget, it’s worth buying your Christmas presents for the following year in the January sales.

Make sure you shop around for the best deals by using price comparison sites so you’re not forking out more than you should though.

Buy in Boxing Day sales – some retailers start their main Christmas sales early so you can actually snap up a bargain before December 25.

Delivery may cost you a bit more, but it can be worth it if the savings are decent.

Shop via outlet stores – you can save loads of money shopping via outlet stores like Amazon Warehouse or Office Offcuts.

They work by selling returned or slightly damaged products at a discounted rate, but usually any wear and tear is minor.

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