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Friends star looks unrecognisable 30 years after appearing in hit sitcom


AN actor from the early episodes of Friends now looks worlds away from the sitcom character he played 30 years ago.

The iconic sitcom, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year, featured the star quite early on, in the third ever episode of the series.  

Warner Bros
Geoffrey Lower appeared in the episode titled The One With The Thumb[/caption]
Geoffrey as Rev. Timothy Johnson in Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman[/caption]
It has been 30 years since Geoffrey’s appearance on Friends

Geoffrey Lower appeared in the episode titled The One With The Thumb as Monica Geller’s (Courteney Cox) then-boyfriend Alan. 

In the episode, Monica was nervous about introducing Alan to the gang in case they scared him off or didn’t approve, but they loved him. 

Chandley Bing (Matthew Perry) was even convinced by him to quit smoking but things didn’t last long between Monica and him and she ended up breaking it off, with Alan never appearing on the show again. 

But Geoffrey’s one hit stint on the sitcom didn’t dampen his career – he went on to appear as Rev. Timothy Johnson in Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman over the next five years.

The TV series ran from 1993–1998 and follows the story of Dr. Michaela Quinn, a wealthy Boston physician who moves to Colorado Springs to establish her own practice.

Geoffrey, who plays the Reverend of the town, is shown in the show going through various struggles until he finds his calling as a Reverend.

He also appeared in Quantum Leap, Matlock, NCIS and Beverly Hills, 90210 over the next three decades.

More recently, Geoffrey has appeared in Disney+’s latest Star Wars series Skeleton Crew.

In recent pictures from his projects on Instagram, the actor looks unrecognisable from the role we saw him in on Friends. 

Writing on his Instagram page, he said: “December dump. Skeleton Crew finally aired. Merchant Captain getting roughed up by the Pirates and thrown out the air lock.”

He also mentioned a short film he took part in called One More Minute and a “commercial audition” where he had to prove he could “actually fish”. 

According to Geoffrey’s official website, he now “splits his time between acting, creating homes for Angelenos with his wife, hanging out with his sons and a large Akita named Kioko”.

Friends ran for a decade from 1994 to 2004 and it remains one of the most popular comedies on TV to this day.

Its lead stars Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, David Schwimmer and the late Matthew Perry went on to huge success after playing Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Ross and Chandler in the show.

Nastassja Kinski and Geoffrey Lower in a scene from the film Time Share[/caption]
The actor looks worlds away from his on screen character Alan on Friends

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