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Crocodile dragged woman underwater and emerged with her corpse an hour later

The crocodile killed a 46-year-old Indonesian woman (Provider: ViralPress)

This is the moment a killer crocodile surfaces with the body of a 46-year-old woman in its jaws an hour after mauling her to death.

The horrific attack occurred this morning on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, when Nurhawati Zihura decided to wash her feet in some seawater.

But as she dipped her feet in, the croc grabbed her with its jaws and pulled her beneath the surface.

A resident named Agustinus, 40, witnessed the terrifying moment.

He said: ‘I saw the crocodile attacking Nurhawati on the surface of the water. We shouted but it would not release her.

‘It was a terrible sight. Worse than any of the scenes of hell. Her blood was spilling into the water.’

The woman had gone into the water to clean her feet (Credits: ViralPress)
The crocodile emerged around an hour later with the woman’s body in its jaws (Credits: ViralPress)

The croc then disappeared with the woman wedged in its jaws, before reappearing an hour later with Nurhawati’s body still in its mouth.

Locals ventured into the waters in boats, throwing chicken at the crocodile to try and distract it from the dead body.

When the croc eventually did let her go, helpers pulled her out of the water and took Nurhawati back to shore.

The entire incident was filmed, but Metro has opted not to publish the video due to its graphic nature.

Local policemen and emergency services immediately began a search for the killer croc, managing to find it a couple of hours later.

The animal was then shot and killed.

The killer croc was shot when it re-emerged (Credits: ViralPress)
Indonesia has the highest rate of crocodile attacks on the planet (Credits: ViralPress)

Following the brutal attack, Indonesian officials are calling for the government to act on the ‘serious threat’ posed to residents by crocodiles in the area.

Kornelius Wau, head of the Pulau-Pulau Batu Sub-district, said: ‘I have asked the North Sumatra Provincial Government through the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) to take real action.

‘Many of these wild animals are still roaming the coast of Tello Island. I am worried that if this problem is not addressed, it will become a serious threat to the residents there. Where the majority of residents’ settlements are on the coast and their livelihoods are at sea.

‘There are other wild crocodiles are still roaming the coast of Tello Island and its surroundings. More than 80% of our residents make their living at sea and even most of our residents’ settlements are on the coast.

‘They often bathe in the sea, so this is a threat to us and until it is solved, will we live in a frightening situation.’

Indonesia has seen the most crocodile attacks in the world over the past decade – with a reported 1,000 separate incidents recorded.

A shocking 450 people have been killed by crocodiles in the same period.

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