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Barcelona and Argentina-inspired: Inter Miami 2025 home kit leaked as Lionel Messi’s club introduces three bold new jerseys

Inter Miami's highly anticipated 2025 home kit has been leaked, and the design promises to be one of the most iconic in MLS history. Inspired by Lionel Messi’s illustrious career and connections to Argentina and Barcelona, the kit features striking design elements that honor the soccer legend.

Inter Miami‘s highly anticipated 2025 home kit has been leaked, and the design promises to be one of the most iconic in MLS history. Inspired by Lionel Messi’s illustrious career and connections to Argentina and Barcelona, the kit features striking design elements that honor the soccer legend.

For the first time, the Herons will launch three new kits in a single season—home, away, and a third kit—marking a significant departure from MLS’ traditional two-kit system. The new designs, crafted by Adidas, emphasize the club’s growing global presence and Messi’s unparalleled influence since joining the team.

The kits will be officially unveiled in early 2025, but early leaks by Footy Headlines have already given fans a glimpse of what to expect.

2025 Inter Miami home kit: Pink-on-pink tribute to Messi

The 2025 Inter Miami home jersey draws heavily from Messi’s legacy with Argentina and Barcelona. Designed using the Adidas Tiro 24 template, the kit features a unique pink-on-pink striped pattern, a subtle nod to the striped designs traditionally worn by Messi’s former teams.

Key features of home kit inspired by Messi
  • Color Scheme: Predominantly pink with engineered pink-on-pink stripes.
  • Accents and Logos: Black logos and applications, maintaining the club’s signature colors.
  • Template: Built on the Adidas Tiro 24 model, first introduced with the 2024 international kits.

The pink stripes symbolize Messi’s journey from the blue-and-white stripes of Argentina to the red-and-blue stripes of Barcelona, bringing together the essence of his career.

2025 Inter Miami away kit: Classic black with pink accents

Inter Miami’s 2025 away kit stays true to its roots with a predominantly black base, complemented by pink highlights. The design retains the club’s characteristic blend of boldness and elegance, creating a perfect contrast to the vibrant home kit.

2025 Inter Miami third kit: Sky-blue innovation

In addition to the home and away jerseys, Inter Miami is set to release a third kit with a fresh “Semi Blue Burst” color. This design is reminiscent of last season’s turquoise green third kit but features a lighter sky-blue base, offering a clean and refreshing look.

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