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Exact times to find yellow sticker bargains at UK’s biggest supermarkets this Christmas


YELLOW sticker bargains can save you thousands of pounds on your shopping – but the best time to get them depends on where you go.

The stickers, sometimes red or orange in colour, are put on products that have been discounted because they’re slightly damaged or near their sell-by dates.

Yellow sticker bargains are a great way to save money on your shopping[/caption]

One bargain hunter previously revealed how she saves around £50 a week on her grocery bill by snagging the cut-price items.

But if you’ve ever thought about picking some up on your next shop, you might have wondered when the best time to is.

So, we’ve found out when the major supermarkets do their reductions to save you some time and effort.


Unlike other supermarkets, discount chain Aldi uses red stickers to mark down items in its shops.

When reductions are made depends on the store, but typically they are made towards the end of the day.

Aldi discounts perishable items including bread, meat, fruit and vegetables by up to 75% on their last day of shelf life just before the store closes.

It also offers a 30% discount on food that can be stored at room temperature such as cereal, tinned foods and pasta if it deems the packaging to be damaged.


Sainsbury’s said when staff add yellow stickers to products varies from store to store.

However, Richard, from Britsuperstore, previously told The Sun between 5pm and 7pm is likely when you’ll get the biggest discounts.


Tesco has previously told The Sun there is no set time when it applies yellow stickers to products.

But, there are signs you should keep an eye out for which will help you find them.

Look out for the “mark-down section” or signs that read “reduced in price, just as nice” where you can get cut-price salads, bread and meat.


Rather than red or yellow, Lidl puts orange stickers on its reduced products, so make sure you don’t miss any in your closest store.

One former worker for the supermarket revealed when shoppers can find the stickers and get up to 60% off.

In a recent Netflix documentary 24 hours in Lidl, the ex-assistant manager said between 4pm and 5pm is the optimum window.

This is when staff start making markdowns that can get snapped up quickly.


Asda said there is no set time across all its branches that workers add yellow stickers to products.

However, according to consumer group Which?, branches usually discount items twice a day – once in the morning and again in the evening.


Co-op said that it does not have a set time across all of its stores when items are reduced.

Price reduction times will vary from store to store depending on the products in each shop and the type and quantity of stock that is nearing the end of its shelf-life.


Posh retailer Waitrose said it also does not have set times when staff make reductions across stores.

But, Richard Price, director at online supermarket Britsuperstore, previously told The Sun the best reductions are usually found two hours before store closing time when you can get up to 50% off.

How to save money on your food shop

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save hundreds of pounds a year:

Odd boxes – plenty of retailers offer slightly misshapen fruit and veg or surplus food at a discounted price.

Lidl sells five kilos of fruit and veg for just £1.50 through its Waste Not scheme while Aldi shoppers can get Too Good to Go bags which contain £10 worth of all kinds of products for £3.30.

Sainsbury’s also sells £2 “Taste Me, Don’t Waste Me” fruit and veg boxes to help shoppers reduced food waste and save cash.

Food waste apps – food waste apps work by helping shops, cafes, restaurants and other businesses shift stock that is due to go out of date and passing it on to members of the public.

Some of the most notable ones include Too Good to Go and Olio.

Too Good to Go’s app is free to sign up to and is used by millions of people across the UK, letting users buy food at a discount.

Olio works similarly, except users can collect both food and other household items for free from neighbours and businesses.

Super cheap bargains – sign up to bargain hunter Facebook groups like Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK where shoppers regularly post hauls they’ve found on the cheap, including food finds.

“Downshift” – you will almost always save money going for a supermarket’s own-brand economy lines rather than premium brands.

The move to lower-tier ranges, also known as “downshifting” and hailed by consumer expert Martin Lewis, could save you hundreds of pounds a year on your food shop.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

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