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Ex Corrie star Shayne Ward jumps to ITV soap’s defence amid backlash from former cast and fan claims it’s ‘lost its way’


SHAYNE Ward has defended Coronation Street after a series of outbursts from former cast and backlash from fans.

The singing TV star first found fame on The X Factor, scooping the crown in 2005.

Shayne Ward has defended Coronation Street from critics – six years after leaving the cobbles
Channel 5
The star played Aidan Connor, who tragically took his own life
Shayne took part in this year’s Strictly Come Dancing[/caption]

Away from singing, Shayne played the role of factory manager Aidan Connor on the Weatherfield cobbles.

However, after three years in Coronation Street, Shayne bowed out as his character tragically took his own life.

Six years on, the Strictly star has jumped to the ITV soap’s defence, after previous stars such as Vicky Enwistle, Sean Wilson and Charlie Lawson all blasted the soap.

Fans have also accused bosses of poor storylines, saying Corrie had “lost its way”.

Speaking exclusively to The Sun, the 40-year-old said: “I mean, everyone has their opinion. I mean, I think you’ve got to realise with these shows, because that’s been going for 50 odd years, you know, you have to move with the times as well.

“And it’s just how will Corrie move with the times? Because it is so iconic, you know, we go back to when it first started 50 odd years ago. It was about the women on the street, you know, the neighbours talking to each other, their daily life, their struggles, you know, doing the washing, putting the washing out. And I think, yeah, I mean, it’ll be interesting to see.”

The star continued: “I hope in my heart that it will always be there. And that because it is such an iconic show that, you know, that the public will do their best to try and keep on the television. But just times are changing so much. You never quite know.

“So a lot of things are going online. And that’s heartbreaking to see. What can you do? But I just I have a feeling with Corrie, it will always be there, at least in my heart.”

Earlier this month Vicky Enwistle – who played Janice Battersby – called likened the soap to a ‘cult’ in a now-deleted rant.

She had posted: “My husband begged me to leave two years before.

“He hated the controlling environment. When I finally left we cried.”

Vicky added: “The freedom was electric.”

Charlie Lawson, who famously played Jim McDonald ranted about former Coronation Street producers in his new book.

He penned: “For months now, I have been going through the motions of turning up and doing Jim McDonald, and hating every moment of it and believe it or believe it not, on more than one occasions seriously considering taking the lift to the fourth floor, walking into Jane Macnaught’soffice, our Christmas producer, and telling her to shove it up their a***s.

Coronation Street's 2024 shock exits

Corrie has said goodbye to several cast members this year. Let's break down who's left the famous soap:

Eliza Woodrow (Savannah Kunyo) has said farewell to Corrie to start a new life in Germany.

The youngster moved to live with her dad Dom Everett, who went back on the £10,000 bribe Eliza’s grandfather Stu had offered to keep him out of her life.

Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) will bow out of the soap this summer when he loses his fight with motor neurone disease (MND) in tragic scenes.

After being diagnosed last year, the fan favourite was devastated to learn he only had months left to live.

Viewers know he is planning to take his own life to end his suffering.

Summer Spellman (Harriet Bibby) departed the cobbles after being offered the opportunity of a lifetime to study in America.

Though she struggled to decide with her stepdad Paul’s impending death from MND, she was convinced she had to live her life to the full.

Simon Barlow (Alex Bain) has struggled with the sudden departure of his father Peter from the cobbles.

The Weatherfield legend left his family and loved ones behind on Boxing Day, 2023, when his wife Carla Connor encouraged him to travel around the world with a friend.

Simon’s been on a downward spiral ever since and his exit could end in tragedy.

Alya Nazir is set to leave the cobbles as actress Sair Khan prepares to go on maternity leave ahead of the birth of her first child.

It looks likely she’ll be heading to Dublin after securing a lucrative new job, leaving her colleague and fling Adam Barlow behind.

Show stalwart Sue Cleaver, who plays Eileen Grimshaw, is taking a break to star in the Sister Act The Musical UK tour. She will be back filming in May once her dates on the tour come to an end.

Her character left the Street after her son Jason broke his back after falling off a moped in Asia.

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