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Upcoming Biography Claims that Disgraced Prince Andrew Could Leave the UK for a Luxurious Palace in Abu Dhabi


Andrew Lownie is an experienced Royal biographer who not only has the deep sources, but also is fearless in his quest to find, research and write about pertinent information on Britain’s longtime rulers.

Now, Lownie is revealing that disgraced Prince Andrew, once again an outcast in ‘the Firm’, may find a whole different royal family eager to ‘adopt’ him.

Daily Beast reported:

“The prince has been gifted the use of a palace in Abu Dhabi by the country’s autocratic elite, the royal historian and freedom-of-information campaigner Andrew Lownie will claim in a hotly anticipated biography of the prince to be published next year.”

The Prince, the underage girl and Ghislaine Maxwell – Andrew fell in disgrace after settling a sex assault lawsuit by Virginia Giuffre to the tune of tens of millions of pounds.

Andrew’s friends say he could ‘do a Harry’ next year, and flee the U.K. for the Middle East.

The Duke feels he has been unfairly treated over his relationship with alleged Chinese spy, Yang Tengbo.

Yang had a close personal and business relationship with Andrew.

Documents found in Yang’s possession say Andrew was ‘in a desperate situation and will grab on to anything’.

“Yang ran the Chinese arm of Andrew’s Pitch@Palace initiative, and Andrew was entitled to a 2 percent cut of any investment deals made.”

The Duke of York with the alleged Chinese spy Yang Tengbo.

Andrew Had free use of private palaces owned by the UAE’s ruling House of Nahyan, back when he was a trade ambassador for the UK a decade ago.

In Lownie’s upcoming biography of the prince ‘Entitled: The Controversial Lives of the Duke and Duchess of York’, we learn that: “Andrew continues to have exclusive access to at least one fully staffed private palace in the country despite not technically owning it.”

Lownie: “Andrew has been given the use of a palace by the Abu Dhabi authorities. It costs them nothing. He has been spending a lot of time out there in recent years and I am told by reliable sources that from next year he may divide his time between the Middle East and the U.K. He is expected to go between the two. It makes sense for him; there is good weather, he is treated with deference, there are a lot of golf courses, and he can conduct his business affairs however he sees fit.”

Read more:

Furious King Charles Bans Disgraced Prince Andrew From Royal Family’s Christmas Reunion Over Chinese Spy Scandal – Businessman Yang Tengbo Named, Denies Espionage Allegations

The post Upcoming Biography Claims that Disgraced Prince Andrew Could Leave the UK for a Luxurious Palace in Abu Dhabi appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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