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Syria’s interim government appoints first female head of women’s affairs


The Political Affairs Directorate of the Syrian Interim Government has appointed Aisha Al-Dabbs as the first woman to oversee women’s affairs in the interim government.

The Political Affairs Directorate of the ruling Syrian government has released an image of Aisha Al-Dabbs as the only woman in the new government, highlighting her attention to the rights, social, cultural, and political issues of Syrian women.

Aisha Al-Dabbs is an active civil society and humanitarian figure who previously worked for the Innovators Foundation in Idlib province, Syria.

At the time of the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, Aisha Al-Dabbs wrote on her Facebook account that Syrian women must be involved in restoring their country to its rightful place.

This appointment comes at a time when there were concerns that the roles and rights of women might be overlooked in the new government structure.

In an interview after her appointment, Aisha Al-Dabbs stated that the Syrian Interim Government will create opportunities for women to participate in all areas of society, in accordance with their abilities and qualifications.

She told Al Jazeera that women from all provinces and ethnicities of Syria will play an active role in the national conference, which is set to define the framework of the new government.

She viewed the establishment of the Women’s Affairs office and the appointment of a woman to lead it as a response to all questions regarding the future of women in the new government.

The international community, considering the history of the new Syrian leaders’ affiliations with al-Qaeda and their radical ideological beliefs, has expressed concern that, like the Taliban, they might strip women of their rights.

Aisha Al-Dabbs’ appointment represents a significant step in the inclusion of women in the political processes of Syria, particularly at a time when women’s rights have often been sidelined in conflict-ridden regions. Her background in civil society and humanitarian work positions her well to advocate for policies that support women’s empowerment, social justice, and the rebuilding of Syria.

However, this appointment also occurs amid ongoing political contradictions. While Al-Dabbs’ role could contribute to greater gender equality, the conflicting statements about women holding high-ranking positions, such as in the Ministry of Defense, reveal the challenges of balancing tradition and progress in a post-conflict society.

The post Syria’s interim government appoints first female head of women’s affairs appeared first on Khaama Press.

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