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Sikhalo Foundation brings hope, relief


By Harold Kapindu

Sikhalo Foundation, a start-up non-profit organization based in Lilongwe Malawi, is on a mission to bring hope and relief to the most vulnerable members of society.

Despite being newly established, the foundation has already made a significant impact, positively touching the lives of over 400 families in just two months.

At the heart of Sikhalo Foundation’s work is the Sikhalo Food Bank, a key initiative that focuses on feeding programs for the less privileged, street children, and other underserved populations.

In a press statement, Sikhalo Foundation said, “To sustain this vital program, the food bank incorporates farming initiatives, ensuring a steady supply of food to support its beneficiaries.

“In addition to its food bank, the foundation is also proud to launch a sister project, Kyla Foundation, which is dedicated to addressing the needs of children. This includes providing care for children in prison who are born to mothers serving time, as well as supporting other child-focused initiatives.

“Through Kyla Foundation, the organization is expanding its reach to ensure that every child, regardless of their circumstances, has access to basic needs and opportunities for a better future.”

Sikhalo Foundation also champions a cause close to its heart: changing societal perceptions of children with autism.

The foundation is committed to raising awareness about autism, promoting inclusivity, and supporting children with special needs so they can thrive in their communities.

From November to December, Sikhalo Foundation has made impactful donations in several districts like Kasungu, Lilongwe, Lunzu, Blantyre, Chikwawa and Nsanje These donations included food items, blankets, sanitary products, and other essentials, reflecting the foundation’s commitment to holistic support.

Looking ahead, Sikhalo Foundation plans to collaborate with more communities to provide relief and raise awareness about key issues affecting vulnerable populations.

The organization is also preparing to host workshops aimed at equipping communities with technical skills that will empower them to create sustainable livelihoods.

Through its initiatives, Sikhalo Foundation aims to create a lasting impact by fostering resilience and promoting dignity for all.

To learn more or to support their efforts, reach out through their social media official platforms. Together, we can make a difference.

The post Sikhalo Foundation brings hope, relief appeared first on Malawi Voice.

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