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Over 180 cases of Journalists rights violations recorded in Afghanistan in 2024: AFJC


The Afghanistan Journalists Center released its annual report on December 26, 2024, highlighting the challenging situation for media outlets and journalists in the country. The report indicates that 181 cases of journalist rights violations were recorded, and 18 media outlets were shut down due to the Taliban’s repressive policies.

The Afghanistan Journalists Center has reported 181 instances of media rights violations by the Taliban in 2024, as part of its annual report.

The report, released on Thursday, December 26, indicates that 18 media outlets have been shut down due to the Taliban’s repressive policies over the past year.

According to the Center, over 50 journalists were arrested and imprisoned by the Taliban on various charges in 2024.

The center emphasized that the suppression of media freedom has increased by 8% compared to the previous year.

The report further notes that the legal framework for media operations in 2024 remains unclear, with the Taliban’s Ministry of Information and Culture largely sidelined.

The Taliban sent the proposed amendments to the Media Law and the Access to Information Law to Hibatullah Akhundzada, the group’s supreme leader, for approval.

The center also pointed out that the Taliban’s “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice” law has imposed even stricter restrictions on media, intensifying pressure on journalists.

The Taliban issued at least seven new directives in 2024, compared to only four in 2023. These included bans on filming, restrictions on women’s communication with the media in some provinces, and the prohibition of broadcasting live political programs.

The report highlighted how journalists who defy these directives face threats, imprisonment, or severe penalties, with media outlets often subjected to shutdowns. The Taliban’s control over the media landscape continues to grow, limiting free expression and press freedom across Afghanistan.

Female journalists, in particular, face an even harsher reality, as they are frequently targeted for their involvement in media work. The restrictions imposed on women’s participation in public life have led to a sharp decline in the number of female journalists, with many opting to leave the profession or the country altogether.

This further marginalizes the already vulnerable position of women in Afghanistan, making it difficult for them to contribute to the country’s media landscape and limiting their voices in a time of crisis.

The post Over 180 cases of Journalists rights violations recorded in Afghanistan in 2024: AFJC appeared first on Khaama Press.

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