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Disney experts who get paid to travel the world reveal the best month to visit, where to go first and secret badge trick


DISNEY experts have revealed their top tips when travelling to theme parks.

Working with TUI, many of the Disney pros have the dream job – by being paid to travel the world for free.

Disney experts have revealed their top tips – including why you should head to Animal Kingdom first[/caption]

Erin, who was once TUI’s Disney Expert of the Year, previously shared some of her top tips.

Some of the experts have even worked for Mickey Mouse.

Millie from the homeworking team worked in Animal Kingdom in Orlando for over a year.

She says her work trips with TUI opened her eyes to an entirely different side of Florida

She explained: “I experienced things I hadn’t ever tried before, and I wouldn’t be able to help customers with their trips as well if I hadn’t gone with work.

“We got to truly experience every type of attraction, food, mode of transport and hotel. It was invaluable.” 

Travel in September and October

The time of year means spooky season is looming, and Halloween decorations will be found across the parks, as well as Epcot’s food and wine festival.

The weather also tends to be cooler, and the parks are generally less crowded.

Make sure to avoid the main resorts at the weekend though – opt for the waterpark or Disney Springs shopping on Saturdays instead.

Another queue avoiding tip? Head to the rides when the parade or fireworks are on, if you have already seen them, and you will easily get on the rides.

Visit Animal Kingdom in the morning

The animals are always more active in the morning, so its the time of day to visit.

And if you grab an early dining reservation for breakfast, they can even head into an empty park before it opens for other guests. 

Take empty water bottles

All quick-service restaurants provide free iced water, which guests can use to avoid the $5 water bottle price tags. 

So that empty water bottle could save you a lot especially when visiting as a family.

Wear a birthday badge

Park concierges hand out celebration badges for special occasions like first visits and birthdays.

Guests wearing them will be sure to get the VIP treatment. 

This even includes free drinks and snacks, as well as signed cards from crew.

Another Disney pro who has been to the theme parks more than 50 times has revealed their top tips.

How many Disney locations are there around the world?

DISNEY parks are located in several countries around the world. Here's the list of countries with Disney parks:

  1. United States
    • Disneyland Resort (Anaheim, California)
    • Walt Disney World Resort (Orlando, Florida)
  2. France
    • Disneyland Paris (Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris)
  3. Japan
    • Tokyo Disney Resort (Urayasu, near Tokyo)
  4. China
    • Shanghai Disney Resort (Shanghai)
    • Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (Hong Kong)

And an ex-Disney worker has revealed other secrets of the parks.

Otherwise we’ve rounded up the 22 things that are free at Disney World.

You can skip the queues is you avoid the parade and fireworks[/caption]

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Семь новых станций: Собянин запустил движение по Троицкой линии метро

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