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Dolores Catania Admits She's 'A Little Mad' at 'RHONJ' Co-Stars As Bravo Show Remains on Pause


Dolores Catania is opening up about her frustrations with her Real Housewives of New Jersey co-stars.

Following a tumultuous season 14, Andy Cohen announced that the long-running Bravo series has been put on an indefinite pause with a major cast shakeup coming for season 15.

In a new interview, Dolores, 53, admitted that she’s “a little mad” with her co-stars over the situation.

Keep reading to find out more…“We didn’t film last season, so we’re not coming back… we’re not going to be airing in January or February,” Dolores told People. “Of course, I’d look forward to seeing my cast come back on the screen or even come back to film, but they made a mess. I’m a little mad that everybody couldn’t get it together. I really am.”

Season 14 of RHONJ starred Dolores, Teresa Giudice, Melissa Gorga, Margaret Josephs, Jennifer Aydin, Jackie Goldschneider, Jenn Fessler, Rachel Fuda and Danielle Cabral.

As viewers of the show recall, the season 14 ended with a huge blowout with the ladies. After the finale, producers decided to forgo the traditional reunion and separated the ladies into two groups to discuss the season.

“On my way to that finale, I spoke to a therapist and asked her for some tips on going in and speaking to the women,” Dolores recalled. “I wrote it down in the car ride on the way there. And no matter what I did on and off camera, nothing helped. You could see I was defeated. I sat there and I knew you wouldn’t be seeing us for a while, I saw it coming.”

Dolores believes that the RHONJ has veered off course compared to the other franchises.

“We f–king lost something along the way,” Dolores said “I’m looking at Salt Lake City and I’m looking at Beverly Hills and they fight, but they don’t go for the jugular. They’re not hitting below the belt. They agree to disagree and move on.”

Back in July, Andy hinted that this entire cast of RHONJ could get replaced with “all fresh faces,” an idea Dolores does not agree with.

“I feel like we’re an ensemble and I can’t see anyone else but the people that I was with,” Dolores said. “It’s like a family. Can you see yourself with other people in your family?”

She continued, “We’ve traveled the world together, we’ve cried together, we fought together. You have to move on, otherwise, you’ll have no one in your life. Now we have no one. So what do you think? Do you think a full recast works? I’m not so sure.”

Despite concerns, Dolores remains hopeful that the current cast will return for season 15 not just for themselves, but also for the fans.

“They’ve let us in their homes and we’ve been a part of their lives,” Dolores said. “I don’t call them fans. I call them friends. They’re the reason that we came as far as we did.”

Dolores also said that she believes that the ladies can make it work in order to return.

“I know I would. I think that given some time for things to cool down, maybe they would try to do that too,” Dolores shared. “It’s time to put egos aside. You don’t throw something like this away. We had great ratings. We did well—we just have to learn how to act. This is what life is. It’s about fighting and making up.”

You can stay up to date with all of the latest Real Housewives news here.

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