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Five-star Jaxson Richardson updates recruitment at Jordan Holiday Classic



NEW YORK Jaxson Richardson, a five-star in the class of 2026, continues to excel with Christopher Columbus High School (FL.), dropping 11.6 points, 4.3 rebounds and 1 assist across three games at the Jordan Holiday Classic at Baruch College in New York.

The 6-foot-6 wing is the son of former NBA guard Jason Richardson, and brother of Michigan State freshman point guard Jase Richardson. Jase and Jaxson were teammates on Columbus last season, alongside current Duke commits Cam and Cayden Boozer, and 2026 five-star Caleb Gaskins. With Jase off to college, Jaxson has carved out a significant role on this Columbus team, and top programs are taking notice.

Richardson took unofficial visits to Michigan and Alabama this fall, and will look to see more schools after the high school season. He mentioned potential trips to Louisville, Georgia and USC.

Shaheen Holloway and Seton Hall offered Richardson following his 17 point, 5 rebound performance in a 77-66 loss to coveted Long Island Lutheran on Saturday.

Richardson broke down some of his suitors postgame:

Michigan: “It was fun, I got to see a lot about the playing style, meet the coahc and meet the players. I got to see a lot of the culture, as well. I like that he [coach Dusty May] always tries to get the ball moving in his offense. Defensively, just getting back and doing your job, helping each other out. I just like the way he coaches, he does it with a lot of passion.”

Alabama: “I like how they’re able to create space on offense. I’m a downhill player, so they’d give me the ability to get downhill. I like the coaching style of the coaches, and their players. It’s a good overall environment.”

Louisville: “I’m liking them [the staff] a lot. they keep in contact, just getting to know the coaching staff. I’d definitely love to get down there, meet the players and see how they play.”

Georgia: “I’d fit their well because I’m a hard-working player, which would match the team with my energy and defense, I feel like it’d be a good fit.”

USC: “The weather is nice there, for sure. I’ve built a good relationship with all the coaches there, and I like the play style, as well. I feel like I [need] to get down there and see what they’re about.”

In terms of play style, Richardson is an uber-athletic wing who constantly attacks the rim. He’s shown prowess on the perimeter, but is at his best when creating downhill and using his athleticism for separation.

Off the court, Richardson isn’t just a hooper. The young wing has been playing piano since he was young, and continues to keep it up today. He says his past nine years on the keys have a significant impact on his hoops play.

“It definitely helps me memorize plays, and different strategies, because you have to memorize a lot of music in piano. When we do a scouting report, it just helps me memorize throughout the game of who does what on the court.”

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