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Netflix's Harlan Coben adaptation 'Missing You' is a twist-filled tale of deceit. Here's why a second season isn't on the cards.

Rosalind Eleazar as Kat Donovan and Ashley Walters as Josh Buchanan in "Missing You."
  • Netflix has delivered another thriller based on one of Harlan Coben's books.
  • "Missing You" follows a detective whose fiancé has been missing for 11 years.
  • The show is billed as a limited series, but there would be plenty to explore in a second season.

Warning: Major spoilers ahead for "Missing You."

Fans of "Missing You," Netflix's latest adaptation of a Harlan Coben book, may be wondering if a second season is coming.

The show comes after Coben's "Fool Me Once," which was released on January 1, 2024 and became one of Netflix's most-watched shows of all time. It has been viewed 98 million times, according to the streamer.

In "Missing You," detective Kat Donovan (Rosalind Eleazar) tries to uncover why her fiancé disappeared and her father died 11 years ago.

Netflix has promoted the show as a limited series, so it seems unlikely a second season will be made. None of the other Coben adaptations have had one, either.

But the ending leaves things on an emotional cliffhanger and it would be possible for Netflix to continue the story, which it might be tempted to do if it's as big a success as "Fool Me Once."

The series ends with Josh Buchanan (Ashley Walters), Kat's fiancé, confessing to her that he accidentally killed her father, Clint Donovan (Lenny Henry) while trying to defend his friend, Aqua Venech (Mary Malone).

Aqua accidentally learned that Clint was secretly gay and had been in a relationship with a man for 14 years. Josh arrived at Aqua's apartment when Clint was threatening her with a knife, and accidentally stabbed him during the fight.

Josh then left Kat suddenly because he couldn't deal with the guilt of killing her father.

Kat is shocked, and although the couple had started to rekindle their relationship, it's unclear whether they could stay together now she knows the truth.

A hypothetical second season of "Missing You" could explore whether the pair stay together and if Kat goes to the police. It could also return to the organized crime subplot involving gangster Dominic Calligan (James Nesbitt).

But for now, it looks like "Missing You" is a one-off.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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