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Who was Amitabh Bachchan’s father’s guru? The man who gave the blue sapphire ring that still holds pride in the family


During a recent episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati, Amitabh Bachchan reminisced about his father’s mentor, Dr. Amarnath Jha. He shared how his father, the renowned poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan, was deeply influenced by Dr. Jha during his time as a student at Allahabad University. Amitabh revealed that his family still cherishes the life lessons imparted by Dr. Jha, and whenever he embarks on something significant, he remembers his father and his mentor.

Dr. Amarnath Jha: A legacy of excellence

Born in the village of Sarsopahi in Madhubani, Bihar, Dr. Amarnath Jha was the son of Pandit Ganganath Jha, a towering figure in Maithili literature. Dr. Jha served as a professor of English and later as Vice-Chancellor of two of India’s premier universities—Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and Allahabad University. For his contributions to education, he was honored with the Padma Vibhushan. Although he had no children of his own, his extended family still resides in Madhubani.

Dr. Jha’s connection with the Bachchan family

Amitabh Bachchan frequently speaks about Dr. Jha during his public appearances, especially on the sets of Kaun Banega Crorepati. Whenever someone with the surname “Jha” appears on the show, Amitabh ensures to show them special respect, referring to them as “Jha Sahib,” a nod to his father’s mentor.

Desire to visit Madhubani

In an interview with Local 18, Dr. Jha’s family member, Pradeep Jha, shared that Amitabh Bachchan expressed a desire to visit Dr. Jha’s ancestral village a few years ago. However, due to his advanced age and logistical challenges such as security and crowd management, the visit has yet to happen.

Cherished memories and symbolic legacy

Dr. Jha’s influence extends beyond memories. Harivansh Rai Bachchan once received a blue sapphire ring from Dr. Jha, which Amitabh Bachchan continues to wear as a cherished keepsake of his father’s legacy. The family has also received books about Dr. Jha and his father, Pandit Ganganath Jha, which Amitabh read and praised. Notable works by Dr. Jha, including Literary Studies, have been sent to the Bachchan residence, where they are held in high regard.

Literary contributions

Dr. Amarnath Jha was not only an academician but also an accomplished writer. His works, including Literary Studies, were sent to the Bachchan residence, where they were received with great respect. Harivansh Rai Bachchan also fondly documented his experiences with Dr. Jha in his autobiography Neend Ka Nirman.

Through his stories and gestures, Amitabh Bachchan ensures that Dr. Amarnath Jha’s legacy remains alive, inspiring future generations.

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