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We loved living in the DC area but moved to the Pittsburgh suburbs so we could finally save money and buy a house

Our neighbors in Pittsburgh have been welcoming and friendly so far.
  • My husband and I lived in the DC metro area for nearly 20 years before we left.
  • We grew up in Pennsylvania and moved to Pittsburgh so we could save for and buy a house.
  • Although the DC metro area was great, we're happy being homeowners in the Pittsburgh suburbs.

Although we grew up in Pennsylvania, my husband and I spent nearly 20 years building our lives in the Washington, DC, area.

We loved it and thought we'd live there forever, but our plans changed when we got married in 2021 and started looking to buy our first home.

We soon realized we couldn't afford much in Rockville, Maryland, where we'd lived for eight years, or any other part of the DC metro area.

After pricing some homes, it dawned on us that we'd be about halfway to my hometown in Pittsburgh before we could even think about affording a decent house.

At that point, we thought, why not go back to our roots? So in 2022, after two decades in the DC area, we packed up our apartment and moved four hours north to Pittsburgh.

It was hard to save for a home when we lived in a high-cost-of-living area

Washington, DC, is quite walkable and has numerous public-transit options.

Although we loved living in a big city with plenty of choices for everything from grocery stores to transportation to museums and theaters, we struggled to save for a down payment while living in the DC area.

After all, those perks — and walkability — came with a fairly high cost of living. DC is one of the most expensive cities to live in in the US. Rockville was no bargain, either, with the cost of living there estimated to be 37% higher than the national average, according to Paycale.

Even ordering food or going on a dinner date was pricey — we couldn't have a night out without spending at least $100.

On the other hand, Pittsburgh has long been considered one of the most affordable cities to live in and buy a home in.

When we left the DC area, we lived in an apartment in Pittsburgh for a year and a half and were actually able to save money while house hunting.

We also found way more houses within our budget here. According to Realtor.com, the median home price in Pittsburgh is about $259,000, compared to $619,000 in Rockville.

We're now in our first home in a Pittsburgh suburb, and we love it

Eventually, we found a ranch home in a cozy neighborhood about 20 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh.

Although there's not as much to do here as there was in Rockville, Pittsburgh has continued to win us over.

Our neighborhood is made up of a series of cul-de-sacs, and we were pleasantly surprised to see how close the neighbors on our street are.

We were welcomed with open arms and have enjoyed getting to know the friendly couples, sweet pets, and adorable children who live nearby.

Plus, it's been great to live closer to more family members and attend more birthday parties and holiday gatherings without having to travel far.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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