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How to create an influencer podcast — for kids

Pocket.watch has two new podcasts: a musical mystery show for preschoolers and a mystery show for tweens.
  • Pocket.watch is betting on the podcast boom and partnering with GoKidGo to launch shows.
  • The studio is creating podcasts for kids focused on music and mystery content.
  • Two execs broke down the strategy and why the studio is focused on audio content in 2025.

2024 was a big year for podcasts in the creator economy — and a kids' content powerhouse is betting it can capitalize on the momentum.

Founded in 2017, Pocket.watch works with 53 creator brands —including Ryan's World and Love, Diana — on brand partnerships, merchandise, and other business ventures. The company's studio arm works with its family-focused creators to distribute their content on free ad-supported streaming television (FAST) channels, streaming platforms such as Hulu and Peacock, and social-media platforms like YouTube.

After partnering with Universal Music Group to launch a record label that produces music for kids, Pocket.watch is now working with the podcast company GoKidGo to produce audio shows with its creators.

Pocket.watch execs told Business Insider that their podcasts for kids generally differ from those geared toward adults in a few key ways. For example, the kids' shows often follow a storyline and talk directly to the listener, asking them questions and engaging them in puzzles and mysteries.

Its first two podcasts are a musical-mystery show for preschoolers hosted by its creator, Diana Kidisyuk, from the YouTube channel "Love, Diana" and a mystery show for tweens from three sisters behind the YouTube channel "GEM Sisters."

BI spoke with Amanda Klecker, Pocket.watch's senior vice president of marketing and franchise, and Albie Hecht, its chief content officer, about why the studio is betting on podcast shows for kids.

'It's not just two people talking in a room'

The Pocket.watch execs said a podcast for children needs to be set up differently than one for adults.

"It's not just two people talking in a room," said Hecht, who was formerly the president of film and TV entertainment for Nickelodeon.

Hecht said Pocket.watch podcasts are generally narrative-based and include themes such as problem-solving, puzzles, education, music, and mystery.

"We want to tap into imagination formats," Hecht said. "The play-along element is really important for engagement."

"It has kids almost talking back to the podcast — that's what we want," he added.

Never growing up

Some of the podcasts are part of Pocket.watch's efforts to extend their creators' brands without involving them closely in the production.

"One of the first things we did with all of our creators was create animated versions of them in multiple formats," Hecht said. "Translating them to animation, we can use them in multiple places without the strain on them, and also preserving them in their most popular look and format. It's like Ryan is going to be 8 forever, or 'Love, Diana' is going to be 7 forever."

Kidisyuk's podcast is an extension of the animated format Pocket.watch launched with her in 2024, which is the company's most-watched and most-engaged original series.

Klecker said voice acting makes sense for some older creators, like the GEM Sisters. But for others, like Kidisyuk, who is 10 years old, Pocket.watch works with the parents and the kids to find and hire actors who match their voices.

"She, in herself, is truly a star for kids today," Hecht said of Kidisyuk. "But when we take her and put her in new formats, it's going to be based on her, and it's going to be based on the character she portrays versus having this young child speak in a podcast format."

Read the original article on Business Insider

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