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Towie star Harry Derbidge’s ex fiancé Dean Rowland reveals he’s engaged AGAIN to the ‘love of his life’


HARRY Derbidge’s ex fiancé Dean Rowland has revealed he’s engaged again to the “love of his life”.

The former Towie star was proposed to by his partner Steven at Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland.

Dean and Steven are engaged to be married[/caption]
He used to be engaged to Harry Derbridge from Towie[/caption]

Sharing special videos and pictures from the engagement, Dean wrote: “I said YES! Completely overwhelmed and filled with joy.

“Steven surprised me with the most beautiful proposal, and I couldn’t be happier to start this next chapter with the love of my life.

“Here’s to forever and a lifetime of love, laughter, and adventures together.”

Dean was previously engaged to Towie OG Harry but the pair split two years later in 2021.

It came after the former couple were forced to put their adoption plans on hold.

They also cancelled their wedding twice in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Harry said on Towie: “To be with someone for four years… and for it to not work out, it has just been the most heartbreaking like awful thing I’ve had to go through.

“I gave so much to this relationship, I gave everything to it!

“To the point where I’d give so much… that it would actually cause an argument.”

At the time said: Dean said: “After 4 long amazing years, Harry and I have decided to part ways. It’s with a really heavy heart and absolute anxiety that I’m sharing this with you all.

“There are no secret nor salacious events at the root of decision- just two best friends realising it’s time to take some space and help each other live the most joyous, fulfilled lives possible.

“I would trust him with anything and he still remains that important person in my life.

“No relationship is easy, and we all know this, but with my hand on my heart, I can say the last 4 years have been the most amazing memories I could have ever asked for in a human being.

“We have laughed, cried and drunk a lot of wine, and after all of this, I still have the utmost respect for Harry and his decisions going forward.

“Not only was Harry a lifelong partner for me, but he also was my best friend I did everything with, and although I’ve lost the connection on that level he’s still my best friend and someone I trust with my life.”

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