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If You’re Thinking Of Ditching Booze In 2025, This May Give You Hope


For many drinkers, the festive season is a very indulgent one. With Christmas cocktails, mulled wine and of course, Bucks Fizz all being on offer, who can blame us? 

This indulgence does lead to a new year sensation of lethargy and even horror at even the thought of consuming some booze to the extent that many of us choose to go ‘dry’ and spend the month of January off the sauce.

However, according to research from Heineken, more than 1 in 5 Gen Zers* feel judged when choosing non-alcoholic drinks.

Study shows that staying sober is actually the ‘cool’ thing to do

Heineken® and University of Oxford Professor Charles Spence have found that 21% of Gen Z  have been called-out about their choice of a non-alcoholic drink and say they have concealed drinking low or non-alcoholic drinks because of social pressures.

However, attitudes are changing with 9% of respondents in the study admitting that they think of non-drinkers as ‘cool’ and a further 25% consider them to be ‘respectable’.

Charles Spence, Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, explains: “Our study has uncovered some fascinating insights into evolving societal attitudes towards alcohol consumption. For many, alcohol is no longer the default in social situations – we’re seeing a shift towards more mindful consumption.

“Yet, in cultures where drinking alcohol is still predominantly viewed as the norm, opting out can be stigmatised. This is particularly true for Gen Zers and millennials. For generations, alcohol has played a central role in the way humans socialise, therefore dominant assumptions and stereotypes surrounding our drinking habits remain deeply ingrained in society.”

“No Reason Needed” campaign set to tackle this

With all of this in mind, Heineken® has introduced a campaign called “No Reason Needed” with the clear message that if somebody chooses dry, it doesn’t matter why.

Whilst social pressures around moderation still exist, Heineken® hopes to shatter the stigma associated with choosing not to drink alcohol, defending people’s right to make judgement-free choices.

Plus, isn’t it nice waking up after a night out without a sore head?

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В Подмосковье прошел первый в новом году День донора

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