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Not Ready To Start A New Year? Try The Roman Approach


I know that on the 1st of January, we’re supposed to start anew. New year, new you. All of that.

The thing is, it’s still dark, it’s still cold and now we don’t even have festivities to tide us through. Where are we supposed to find this new lust for life while we’re still snuggling under thick blankets and layering up before venturing outside?

Well, once upon a time, the Romans also rejected starting a new year during winter and to be honest, I think I’m going to follow their lead this year.

When the Romans welcomed in a new year

According to The Archaeologist, in early Roman calendars, March marked the beginning of the year.

On their website, they explained: ”[This is a] choice that aligns with the natural cycle of growth and revival that spring brings. The name “March” itself is derived from the Latin word “Martius,” which pays homage to [the god] Mars.

“This god was not only revered as a deity of war but also as a guardian of agriculture, further solidifying the choice of March as the first month. As the season of planting and growth, March was a time of optimism and anticipation in the Roman world.”

While this eventually changed, The Archaeologist goes on to explain: “The name of March still evokes images of awakening landscapes and the promise of new beginnings. The tradition of March being a time for change persists in many cultures, with the month serving as a transition from the harshness of winter to the vibrancy of spring.”

TikTok also (obviously) has a theory about this...

Unlike other dubious theories spread on the app, the TikTok April Theory is much more understandable.

User Aliza Kelly says: “Your life begins to change and take off in April. The new year does not start on the first of January...

“It starts at the beginning of Aries season which is the Spring Equinox, which is the very end of march. That takes some time to ramp up, and bam, we’re in April.”

Another three months until I need to make big changes? 



DO YOU RELATE? ???????????????????? between aries season & these powerful eclipses, it feels like life is actually just getting started! what a blessing to be reborn over and over and over again! reincarnation — all in a single lifetime? what could be better!!!! ????????????????????

♬ original sound - Aliza Kelly

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Собянин анонсировал открытие пожарного депо в Коммунарке


Рекламная Афиша для Артиста.

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Собянин: 1,4 тыс. аварийных бригад дежурили в Москве на каникулах

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