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It Looks Like Netflix Just Accidentally Let Slip The Exact Release Date For Squid Game Season 3

Lee Jung-jae as Gi-hun in Squid Game season 2

It would appear that Squid Game fans’ patience when it came to season two is being rewarded.

Squid Game returned for its long-awaited second season last week, more than three years after the South Korean drama became a global hit thanks to word-of-mouth.

A third and final season has already been filmed, with Netflix revealing earlier this week that the show would be back on our screens later this year.

However, it looks like the streaming giant may have revealed more than it intended to.

News of Squid Game’s 2025 return was confirmed in a video that was shared on Netflix’s social media pages.

According to Forbes, the version of this video that briefly went live in South Korea featured a more specific message listing the launch date of Squid Game season three as 27 June 2025.

If this is true, fans will have to wait just six months for the final outing of the award-winning drama, compared to the epic wait between its first and second seasons.

HuffPost UK has contacted the Squid Game publicity team for clarification.

Squid Game creator Hwang Dong-hyuk recently claimed that he only wanted the show to run for two series, but when putting together the idea for its second run, decided this would work better as a two-season arc.

He explained: “I originally envisioned it as a single series, so both seasons two and three as a single series when I was writing it.

“But then, as I wrote the story along, it became to be too many episodes and too long of a story because you see Gi-hun’s journey where he returns to the game, but also he goes through a revolt, and that is actually the climax of that storyline, where he tries to create an uprising, but then that all goes to failure.”

Dong-hyuk also told Variety: “As for the storyline of the third season, Gi-hun having lost everything, including his best friend, and all of his attempts going to failure, it’s now, what is he going to be like? What state is Gi-hun going to be in? And what will he choose to do?

“Will he continue on with the mission? Is he going to give up or persist? And so you’re going to meet our character Gi-hun at a very critical crossroads as we begin the third season. Gi-hun will not be the man he was in season two.”

The first two seasons of Squid Game are available to stream now on Netflix.

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