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Lidl is selling £1.49 winter essential that will keep your feet warm for up to 6 hours when out and about this weekend


IT’S set to be a freezing cold start to the year, so millions of us across the country will now be donning our warmest clothes.

In fact, it’s going to be so icy that public health bosses have issued amber alert warnings across the whole of England.

The single-use heated insoles can be popped into your shoe for some added warmth.
The insoles are a great way to keep your feet warm during the cold snap this week.

So, it’s probably a good idea to get your best-gripping snow boots out in preparation.

But if you’re keen to incorporate comfort with practicality – Lidl may be selling just the item for you.

The German retailer have delighted shoppers by announcing that they will be stocking their famous middle aisle with these heated insoles.

And even better – they’re just £1.49 a pair!

The single-use insoles come ready to use, and are easily slipped inside your shoes to give you a much-needed extra layer of warmth.

They provide a jaw-dropping six hours of warmth and keep you comfortable while you are out and about.

The insoles couldn’t be easier to use, and are easy to dispose of once you’ve finished with them.

They come available in sizes 3.5-6.5 and 7-10, and are simply slotted inside your shoes.

So you can walk around with toasty toes, while the cold snap hits.

The heated warmers are ideal for outdoor activities like winter walks as well as hitting the January sales.

Which many of us will be doing to grab the best post-Christmas bargains.

Unopened, the insoles will last for several years.

Even better – they come with a 2-year warranty, so you can make the most of the bargain price and stock up for next year.

The insoles will be available from the middle aisle of the store – meaning you’ll only have a limited chance to grab a pair.

They will be released as part of the Winter Pack collection on Thursday 9th January.

Lidl’s middle aisle has been doing a great job already keeping us warm this year, with plenty of snug clothing available.

They’ve also stocked some indoor winter warmers to keep your home warm during the cold weather.

If you’re keen to get your hands on a warming pair of insoles, you can find your closest Lidl, here.

Why do Aldi and Lidl have such fast checkouts

IF you’ve ever shopped in Aldi or Lidl then you’ll probably have experienced its ultra-fast checkout staff.

Aldi’s speedy reputation is no mistake, in fact, the supermarket claims that its tills are 40 per cent quicker than rivals.

It’s all part of Aldi’s plan to be as efficient as possible – and this, the budget shop claims, helps keep costs low for shoppers.

Efficient barcodes on packaging means staff are able to scan items as quickly as possible, with the majority of products having multiple barcodes to speed up the process.

It also uses “shelf-ready” packaging which keeps costs low when it comes to replenishing stock.

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