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Portland weekend guide: Pendleton Whisky Velocity, Dry January Booze-Free Fest and more


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — After saying farewell to 2024, Portland's weekend happenings are already in high gear.

Plan your next few days by looking at some of the city's top upcoming events.

First Friday Art Walk

When: Friday, Jan. 3 at various times
Where: Multiple locations

Several galleries, studios and shops throughout the East Side Arts District will showcase pieces from local artists this Friday, and every First Friday through the year. Sidestreet Arts, Ambient Magic Art Studios and Clinton Street Coffeehouse are among the participating businesses.

Pendleton Whisky Velocity

When: Friday, Jan. 3 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 4 at 7 p.m.
Where: Moda Center, 1 N Center Ct St, Portland, OR 97227

Professional Bull Riders is bringing the Pendleton Whisky Velocity Tour to the Rose City. Organizers said the event gives audiences the “chance to witness both rising bull riding talents and established superstars going head-to-head with powerful bucking bulls.”

Jared Freid - No Winter Tour

When: Friday, Jan. 3 and Saturday, Jan. 4 at 10 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 5 at 7 p.m.
Where: Helium Comedy Club, 1510 SE 9th Ave, Portland, OR 97214

Jared Freid, co-host of “The Jtrain Podcast” and “U Up? Podcast,” has booked five shows at Helium Comedy Club — two of which have already sold out. The comic’s stand-up can be seen on the Netflix special “37 & Single.”

Twi-hard // Twilight Saga Triple Feature

When: Saturday, Jan. 4 at 2 p.m.
Where: Tomorrow Theater, 3530 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97202

“Twi-hards,” or die-hard fans of “Twilight,” will watch the first three films of the fantasy film series. Portions of the movies were filmed across Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Dry January Free Booze-Free Fest

When: Saturday, Jan. 4 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: John’s Marketplace, 3560 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, OR 97202

For Dry January, when people strive to abstain from alcohol after the boozy holidays, John’s Marketplace is offering spirit-free drinks from several local brands. This free, family-friendly event will include samples from Bauman’s Cider, Crux Fermentation Project and Pelican Brewing.

Clothing & Vinyl Swap

When: Sunday, Jan. 5 at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.
Where: La Patroncita, 2832 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97214

La Patroncita is encouraging sustainability by hosting a clothing and vinyl shop at its Belmont neighborhood restaurant. The Mexican eatery asks participants to bring up to five articles of clothing and up to five records to exchange with others. Participants are asked to pay a $10 deposit, which will go toward food and drinks.

Candle Painting

When: Sunday, Jan 5 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Where: Breakside Brewery, 1570 NW 22nd Ave, Portland, OR 97210

Portland Paints is launching candle painting as its newest event, held in Breakside Brewery’s Pendleton Room. One $35 ticket covers the supplies attendees will need for the art project. Attendees will be guided by an “experienced instructor.”

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