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Amazon deal of the day: The brand-new 55-inch 4-Series Fire TV is at its lowest price ever for Prime members

Check out the best Amazon deals of the day as of Jan. 3:

Amazon 55-inch 4-Series Fire TV (2024)
$359.99 (save $100 with Prime exclusive code 55FIRE)

Roku Streaming Stick 4K
$29 (save $20.99)


Garmin Venu 3
$399.99 (save $50)

New year, new deals: Amazon's daily deals are flooded with a lot of great discounts and a lot of not-so-great discounts. We've sorted out the nonsense and highlighted a few of the ones we think are worth checking out on Jan. 3. From Echo to Garmin, there's a little something for everyone.

Here are our top picks for the best Amazon deals of the day. Don't see anything that lights you up? Take a look back at some of our picks from earlier in the week, including the Apple Watch Series 10 back at its lowest price ever.

Our top pick: Amazon 55-inch 4-Series Fire TV

Amazon 55-inch 4-Series Fire TV (2024)
$359.99 at Amazon
$459.99 Save $100.00
with Prime exclusive code 55FIRE

The brand-new 4-Series Fire TV, Amazon's most popular smart TV, just dropped in Nov. and has already seen quite a few discounts. We featured it as one of our deals of the day last month when it was $80 off. As of Jan. 3, however, it's dropped another $20, down to just $359.99 for Prime members when they use the code 55FIRE at checkout. This new model features an ultra slim bezel that fades into the background, which makes whatever you're watching more immersive. Otherwise, it's just a newer rendition of the same Fire TV fans know and love. It supports vivid 4K Ultra HD, HDR10, HLG, and Dolby Digital Plus, comes with the Alexa Voice Remote Enhanced, and features four HDMI inputs to connect all your gaming and audio peripherals.

Roku Streaming Stick 4K

Roku Streaming Stick 4K
$29.00 at Amazon
$49.99 Save $20.99

The pocket-size Roku Streaming Stick 4K can turn any old TV into a cinematic streaming hub. Just pop it into any TV with an HDMI port and, as long as there's a WiFi connection, you can stream all of your favorite shows and movies in one place. You can organize your apps and content however you see fit and watch everything in Dolby Vision and HDR10+. The Roku Streaming Stick outshines Amazon's Fire TV Stick 4K in almost every way. So, if you're in the market for a streaming device, we highly recommend this deal. Regularly $49.99, it's on sale for just $29 at Amazon as of Jan. 3. That's 42% in savings and just $4 shy of its best price ever.

Echo Dot and Echo Buds

Amazon Echo Buds and Echo Dot Bundle
$44.99 at Amazon
$99.98 Save $54.99

This bundle deal from mid-December that includes the Echo Buds and Echo Dot is still hanging around and definitely worth grabbing. A $99.98 value, you can snag both devices for only $44.99 — that's $5 cheaper than either device on its own at full price or 55% in savings. The Echo Dot is small enough to slide onto your nightstand or bookshelf and seamlessly add smart benefits to your daily routine. It can be used to set alarms, schedule tasks, communicate with friends and family, light up your room, listen to music, or play some soothing white noise to quiet the chaos. The Echo Buds are a simple yet solid pair of wireless earbuds that sound great, can last up to 20 hours with the charging case, and can seamlessly pair up with your Echo Dot and other Alexa devices.

Garmin Venu 3

Garmin Venu 3
$399.99 at Amazon
$449.99 Save $50.00

If you're looking to jumpstart a new health routine in 2025, the newest Garmin Venu makes an excellent accountability buddy. It's equipped with an abundance of health metrics and fitness tools, in-depth recovery advice to keep you from overdoing it, detailed sleep data, and a battery life that can outshine the most expensive Apple Watch. In smartwatch mode, it'll last up to two weeks before needing a charge (less when tracking workouts). The smart features might not stand out as much as the Apple Watch, but the Venu 3 truly shines for those who prioritize wellness, fitness, sleep, and battery life. It's typically $449.99, but it's on sale as of Jan. 3 for $399.99. That's not its lowest price ever, but it's still $50 in savings.

None of these deals catching your eye? Check out Amazon's daily deals for even more savings.

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