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‘We unite in one heart’ gushes Brazil legend Hulk as he marries ex-wife’s NIECE in lavish wedding ceremony


FORMER Brazil star Hulk tied the knot to his ex-wife’s niece in a lavish wedding ceremony.

The 38-year-old married beauty Camila Angelo in his hometown of Campina Grande yesterday.

instagram @dr.camilasousa
Hulk has married his ex-wife’s niece Camila Angelo[/caption]
Instagram @hulkparaiba
The couple have been together for four years and began dating just nine months after the player split from her aunt[/caption]

Hulk looked dapper in a brown suit and his bride dazzled in a sparkly white dress.

The veteran forward posted snaps of the wedding on Instagram, with the loved-up duo seen walking down the aisle and sharing a kiss.

Hulk captioned the post: “Before God and the promises of our love, we unite in one heart, beginning our eternity together, life! I love you.”

A sea of roses, huge chandeliers and art work filled the church, named The Diocesan Cathedral of Our Lady of the Conception, where the ceremony took place.

The couple are throwing a further party on Tuesday to celebrate getting married.

Reports in Brazil say they have hired a luxury resort for the bash, with 500 people involved in the day from chefs, floral designers and sound technicians.

Hulk was previously married to Iran Angelo de Souza for 12 years and they had three kids.

But the couple went their separate ways in 2019 – only for Hulk to begin dating her niece Camila nine months later.


Iran, right, with her niece Camila, left
instagram @hulkparaiba
Hulk posted snaps on the lavish ceremony on social media[/caption]

They initially married in 2020 due to her needing a visa to stay in China where he was playing.

Camila had a child with Hulk five months ago named Aisha.

Their relationship has caused controversy in the family, with his ex-wife Iran’s sister Rayassa taking to Instagram yesterday to hit out at them and their wedding.

She wrote: “Today is a hard day to swallow, a day that reveals how far betrayal can go when it comes from the people we least expect.

“It is sad to realise that Judas is not only in ancient stories, sometimes he sleeps under the same roof, eats at the same table and, at the right moment, stabs himself in the back.

“Wanting what belongs to someone else, wanting to live the life of someone who trusted you, is a reflection of an empty heart, incapable of creating its own happiness.”

Hulk has been capped 49 times for Brazil and spent his playing days with Porto, Zenit Saint Petersburg and Shanghai SIPG.

He now plays for Atletico Mineiro in his homeland.

Hulk now plays for Atletico Mineiro in Brazil[/caption]

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