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CNN’s Scott Jennings Torches New York Democrats Over Trump Lawfare: ‘Abused Criminal Justice System to Create a Talking Point’ (VIDEO)


CNN’s Scott Jennings recently tore into New York Democrats over their use of lawfare to target Donald Trump.

Jennings correctly points out that it was all done simply to create the talking point that Trump is a ‘convicted felon’ and that it was all done as the same Democrats ignored real crimes and criminals.

He also notes that these charges never would have been brought if it wasn’t Donald Trump and he wasn’t running for president.

Jennings reminds his colleagues that the American people saw right through this and rejected the entire premise by reelecting Trump in November.

Scott Jennings really is the best thing that’s happened to CNN in years. Watch:

Jennings made a similar point on another CNN program this week.

The Daily Caller reported:

CNN’s Scott Jennings ripped into New York officials Friday over President-elect Donald Trump’s case, calling them out for “partisan” politics.

New York Judge Juan Merchan released a filing Friday evening ordering Trump to be sentenced 10 days before his inauguration on Jan. 20. Merchan indicated Trump will not serve time in jail. On CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront,” Burnett asked Jennings if Trump should “do anything” about the conviction if there will be “no actual punishment.”

“I guess he could show up and continue to show what this case was all about in the first place and that is it was for a political talking point,” Jennings said. “This case should have never been brought. It was brought by a partisan prosecutor if Donald Trump weren’t Donald Trump and he weren’t running for president. This case would never have been charged with felonies. This way is a complete and total sham. It’s a kangaroo court.”

“Of course he’s not going to be punished for it because the only reason they ever did it was so they could try to call him a convicted felon during the election, which, they, of course, did, and then the American people soundly rejected this naked partisan politics,” Jennings added.


If the people running CNN had any brains, they’d give Scott Jennings his own primetime show.

The post CNN’s Scott Jennings Torches New York Democrats Over Trump Lawfare: ‘Abused Criminal Justice System to Create a Talking Point’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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